Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Wealthy Now Leaving US, Bugging Out To Safe Havens: The John Moore Show

In this morning's video from John Moore he discusses a recent viral story from Dave Hodges in reference to 'nukes on the loose', a possible EMP strike upon America and more as shared below. This discussion begins at the 2 minute 30 second mark and shares of 'high level and wealthy people now leaving the country' and others who have 'disrupted their lives' to 'bug out' to their safe locations within America. At the 7 minute 30 second mark, John shares more information about 'Russian troops in America' and also takes several callers who elaborate upon the same topics throughout today's video report. Published on Dec 18, 2013 The John Moore Show 12/18/2013

Read more about Wealthy Now Leaving US, Bugging Out To Safe Havens: The John Moore Show

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