Sher Zieve / Canada Free Press During the last election, it was estimated that between 3-4 million American conservatives stayed home and didn’t vote We warned you in 2008 not to vote for this man unless and until you had vetted him. You did not listen, you refused to vet him and voted for the honey-laced lies that dripped from his lips. For over five years, we have warned you about the increasing loss of liberty via illegal Executive Orders that are now treated as laws (even by a thoroughly cowed and supplicant Congress) and the removal of the ability to provide for yourselves (including the federal government’s abject theft of the little you had left) that the totalitarian-terrorist ObamaGov was installing in your cities and demanding you accept. It has happened and is now happening in the light of day, can be fully perceived by all with even moderately functional eyes, ears, brains and their attendant minds that we have become—almost overnight—a fully functioning dictatorship.
Read more about Where Do We Go From Here, America…Will There Be Anything Left?

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