By: Devvy
December 29, 2013
The news item below has been covered in different ways depending on the outlet reporting it. The Daily Mail, a UK publication, used this absurd caption: 'Residents form 'vigilante groups' after cuts to sheriff department's budget mean police only respond to life-threatening incidents'. Obviously the dopey female who wrote the piece has zero understanding of the issue. But, let's take a look at this happening in the county where Newswithviews has their home office:
Citizens take law into own hands after cash-strapped Ore. county guts sheriff's office
"When budget woes reduced the sheriff's department in one rural Oregon county to a bare-bones force, residents decided to take matters into their own hands -- creating armed patrol groups in defiance of local officials.
"Their decision has raised safety concerns with the county government, which would prefer residents instead hike their own taxes to fund the hiring of trained deputies. But despite the risks, the move stands as a unique, some would say innovative, response to one of the country's most severe local budget crunches.
"The government in Josephine County, where nearly 70 percent of the land is owned by the U.S. government, had long relied on federal timber subsidies to pay the bills. When the feds terminated the funds, county officials scrambled to pass a May 2012 tax levy to make up a nearly $7.5 million budget shortfall.
"However, the county's residents voted against the levy, and as a result the Josephine County Sheriff's Office was gutted. The major crimes unit closed, dozens of prisoners were released from the county jail and the department reduced operations to Monday-Friday, eight hours a day."
Such cuts most definitely pose a severe problem. The place to start cuts would be paychecks for their county board of supervisors. Some of you might be familiar with Josephine County's Sheriff Gil Gilbertson from his excellent columns posted on NWVs.
Because the situation is dire and dangerous, a couple of citizens decided it was time to step up to the plate and formed the "North Valley Community Watch, a county-wide organization dedicated to helping citizens in non-life-threatening situations, primarily property crimes. It is one of a handful of community groups that have formed since the cuts. Without a robust Sheriff's Office, their mission is broader than the typical neighborhood watch group.
"Selig's community watch group, looking to fill in the law enforcement cracks, now meets once a month to discuss crime and teach its approximately 100 members about personal safety. The group also has a trained “response team,” which consists of 12 people who will respond to the scene of a reported non-life-threatening situation if called.
"Though the “response team” members do carry legal firearms, Selig said the team's main goal is to provide a deterrent presence, and that none of them have ever fired a shot. He said those involved in his group believe there is no substitute for well-trained law enforcement, but they feel they have no other choice but to protect their community. “We believe responsible citizens doing responsible things make it hard for criminals to do irresponsible things,” he said."
And right there Selig hit the nail on the head. Homeland security. Security of a free state. The constitutional militia, not loose knit groups with good intentions. There are many fine groups across America who refer to themselves as militia. However, legally, they have no authority other than to meet and train which is their right to free assembly and association. Dr. Edwin Vieira wrote his usual scholarly column on the true vs false militia: Part I, Part II, Part III. Knowing the difference is very important.
Those men up in Josephine County should be commended for what they're doing, not sitting around waiting for DHS to come rolling into town.
There is a lot of dangerous talk going around this country born out of anger and frustration. In the piece below, the author vents over the recent cut in veteran's benefits. However, he wraps it up with an invitation for the FBI to pay him a visit:
A Well-Armed Militia: It’s Time for Veterans to Take a Stand
"We, each of us veterans, is beholden to the promise we made upon swearing in to uphold and defend the Constitution, and now we have to make good on that promise. The question is, will our representatives in Washington listen or will the well-armed militia need to be mobilized?"
Pray tell me, Mr. Granger: Just what do you plan on doing with a well-armed (vs well regulated) militia if the scoundrels, liars and thieves in the Outlaw Congress don't dance to your tune? (Please hold the nasty email. I am married to a retired U.S. Army Colonel, so I am in complete sympathy regarding the betrayal by RINO Paul Ryan and all who voted to take away what was promised.)
I can tell you with full confidence the dragoons who work for the Department of Fatherland Security (DHS) and the FBI will take your words to mean either over throwing the government or inciting violence against elected members of the Outlaw Congress or both and then some. But, what is your plan? Are you and your well-armed militia going to Washington, DC to do what? Make citizen arrests? Another veteran recently made that suggestion:
General calls for massive march on Washington - 'We need to get off our derrieres. ... Hope is not a strategy'. “We need to get off our derrieres, march at the state capitol, march in Washington,” he said. “Make citizens arrests.”
Really? In Washington District of Criminals? Then, we have the daily dose of this:
Can M-16's Defeat F-16's In the Coming Civil War?
"While many of the 200+ command level officers fired by Obama are informing many of us in the media about the current state of affairs, they are not on the record. Other than self-preservation, the major reason why these former military commanders are not on the record is because some of them are involved in planning a guerrilla war against the occupation forces commanded by this administration under the auspices of DHS. And this is precisely what Dr. Garrow stated on my December 22, 2013 show which you can listen to here. He also went on to say that a coup attempt is probable and that a prolonged guerrilla civil war is likely. All of my sources state that the coming civil war will be a guerrilla war....
"The coming civil war will consist of the present administration , the DHS, the Chinese, the Russians and the Canadians versus the American military and the American people. Could a guerrilla war succeed? Is America equipped to fight a guerrilla war?"
continue article at News With Views:
George Orwell might have seen this coming.
In his most famous work 1984, Orwell describes a totalitarian society in which history is constantly rewritten to meet the momentary political needs of the ruling party, on the theory that those who control the present control the past, and those who control the past control the future. Another well-known work warning of the perils of oligarchical collectivism is Animal Farm, in which a socialist revolution leaves everyone but those who end up in power worse off than before. Applying the principles of the former book to the latter, we have the next obscenity to be excreted by Hollywood:
Actor Andy Serkis is set to direct an upcoming movie adaptation of George Orwell’s classic novel Animal Farm. But there will be a slight deviation from the story’s original focus: rather than serve as a cautionary tale about Communist totalitarianism, this updated version will address Hollywood’s predictable, go-to embodiment of evil, the Darth Vader of our time: corporate greed.
That is, the anti-communist story will be twisted around to advance the ideological objectives of communists.
What would expect from the leftist oligarchs of Tinseltown?
Gibbers Serkis,
“First and foremost, we are not making a film about Communism and Stalinism because if Orwell was writing the story today, he would be talking about other relevant topics like globalization and corporate greed.”
Yeah right. A more likely possibility is that Orwell
might be taking up his pen against the abuses of government surveillance, the left’s alliance with the creeping totalitarianism of Islamic theocracy, and the oppression inherent in the left’s shrewd manipulation of political language, such as its relentless push for submission to speech codes and its intolerance of politically incorrect expression.
Typically of left-wing propaganda, the movie will be targeted toward an audience too innocent to laugh it off.
“We’re making a family film,” said Serkis. Of course, because progressives are nothing if not proselytizers for their political religion, and they know how critical it is to preach their gospel to the youth. Hence all the family-friendly, anti-corporate, animated environmentalist propaganda films in recent years like Wall-E, Happy Feet, and The Lorax. Serkis’ Animal Farm seems destined to be burdened by a similar sort of heavy-handed agitprop.
From here, the commies running Hollywood can press ahead with a version of Atlas Shrugs that extols socialism and attacks “corporate greed” and the long-overdue film version of The Gulag Archipelago praising the just and humane ways of the Soviet government. Then they might broaden their perspective with a biblical epic promoting homosexuality.

On a tip from Wilberforce.
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