by Scott Creighton It would appear that Mr. Greenwald has gone off the deep-end so to speak and is flailing about in the dark waters of desperation trying to keep his head (and more important, his credibility) above water. Glenn is running around pointing his finger at “the media” claiming they were the most daunting threat to him and his invisible boy, “Edward Snowden”, from speaking truth to power. Only in a world so convoluted, where the historical record is constantly manipulated and altered daily, could such a public figure utter such contrived nonsense without being laughed off a studio set by his interviewer. According to Russia Today, he denounced journalists in the United States and Britain, accusing them of failing to challenge those in political power and of discrediting anyone who dared to do so. “[W]e knew in particular that one of our most formidable adversaries was not simply going to be the intelligence agencies on which we were reporting and who we were trying to expose, but also their most loyal, devoted servants, which calls itself the United States and British media,” Greenwald said. He said that the NSA programs came to light “almost entirely without them and despite them.” Their role as journalists, Greenwald claimed, “is not to be adversarial, their role is to be loyal spokespeople to those powerful factions that they pretend to exercise oversight.” Huffington Post Glenn is upset because it has become obvious to most that he has taken on the role of spokesman for the privatization of the NSA, a plan once called CISPA, and to that end, he has taken on the task of fronting for the intelligence op running under the guise of “Edward Snowden” Sibel Edmonds famously challenged Mr.
Read more about Glenn Greenwald has Lost his Mind (either that or he’s just a desperate liar)
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