On January 5, Illinois residents will be able to apply for a concealed handgun license.
The application process will be available on the state police website, and authorities say it is fast and easy to complete. The cost of the concealed carry license, which is valid for five years, is $150. Fees for associated required training courses and finger-printing vary.
State police say they aren’t sure how many residents will submit an application, but they estimate that it could be as many as 400,000.
The first concealed carry licenses are likely to be issued by the middle of January. Concealed carry is prohibited in some places, including government buildings, schools, hospitals, libraries, museums and public parks.
Critics say the law is confusing and at times, contradictory (you can’t carry a concealed weapon on mass transit, but you can carry an unloaded firearm in a backpack or other container on a train or bus, for example), but some lawmakers say Illinois has done what it needs to comply with the state Supreme Court:
“I think we’ve put together a comprehensive plan that will allow for the safe carrying, most training in the country,” state Rep. Frank Mautino, D-Spring Valley.
Downstate Democratic State Sen. Gary Forby, who was one of the drafters of the bill, says he thinks concealed carry will reduce crime:
“I think it will and I’m hoping it will. What I’m hearing in other states, it has done it. So I feel like, if it’s doing it in 49 other states, why wouldn’t it do it here?”
Delivered by The Daily Sheeple
Contributed by Lily Dane of The Daily Sheeple.
Lily Dane is a staff writer for The Daily Sheeple. Her goal is to help people to “Wake the Flock Up!”

The number of states who are taking action against the indefinite detention provision contained within the National Defense Authorization Act is growing. Additionally, the strong wording of legislation, like that of New Hampshire's bill to be introduced in early 2014, is a positive sign that the federal government is being put on notice that tyranny in America will not be tolerated. In fact, supporting such tyranny will be outright banned, and the local officers that cooperate with illegal federal dictates will be subjected to possible criminal prosecution.
Central to this opposition is the fine work conducted by The Tenth Amendment Center and P.A.N.D.A - People Against the NDAA. Their personal story for 2013 is available in the below chronicle from founder, Dan Johnson. It should serve as a template for the type of organization, strategy, hard work and determination that must exemplify activism as we move toward 2014. Many challenges await . . . and so do additional victories....
NDAA Resistance:
2013 has been a challenging, learning, and amazing year. What started as a few college kids, a laptop, and a dorm room has expanded into the largest localized movement against a Federal law since the USA PATRIOT Act, if not the history of the country. Here are the highlights for PANDA 2013:
- Over 148,000 people watched our videos on YouTube, and over 80,000 watched Daphne "Just a Mom" Lee's speech to the Clark County Commission, our most popular video.
- Over 21,000 people liked PANDA on Facebook, and over 2.1 million unique users saw our posts.
- 120,000 people visited the PANDA website to learn more about the detention provisions in the 2012 NDAA.
- PANDA speakers headlined over 50 events, and almost 200 radio interviews, while we wrote for or were covered by everyone from the Lew Rockwell Blog and The Huffington Post to NBC Las Vegas and the Associated Press.

- Since we launched the Take Back the Town Campaign on October 1st, four cities have declared their city is "not a battlefield" and completely blocked the detention provisions of the 2012 NDAA, as well as the law of war backing it...
Albany, NY – October 7, 2013
Oxford, MA – October 9, 2013
Webster, MA – October 21, 2013
Emmett, ID – December 17, 2013
...and over 40 more are considering it in 2014.
- Best of all, we did this with less than $3,000 in donations, just enough to keep the lights on and activism going strong.
So what is the vision for 2014?
You are now one of the elite few. Of 59,000 people who have considered leading a take back campaign in their city, you are the elite 1,000 who've stepped up to the plate. As Mark Twain once said:
In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.You are the NDAA resisters, the true patriots. Though we may be hated and scorned today, eventually the timid shall join us in this defense of our unalienable rights.
The goal for 2014 is to give 500 city councils/county commissions the chance to stop the NDAA by May 26, 2014. Memorial day. 145 days from today. Will it be done? Can it be done? Well, NDAA resistance, that's entirely up to you. We have five months to get this resistance to sweep the nation, and tomorrow, on the ground action starts.
Tomorrow, we start planning rallies. Tomorrow, we start building coalitions. Tomorrow, we start researching our city councils and county commissions to determine who to talk with.Tomorrow, this movement explodes into action and we start restoring Constitutional governance, and real justice, across America. Tomorrow, you start taking back your towns.
If you're just getting started, here's a few things you should know:
1. You should be getting a call or email to plan a 30-minute strategy session with us, so we can help get you started on the right foot. Look out for it sometime in January.
2. In the meantime, follow this basic game plan:

- Start building coalitions in your area using the tools in the "build" folder of your Packet, and see if we have any partners in your area yet by checking out http://pandaunite.org/takebackcoalition/. Coalitions and pressure will be key to your success. We can bring serious national pressure, but local coalitions will help a lot.
- Start researching your city council/county commission's members to see who might be interested in your resolution in the "act" folder of your packet. Look for someone known for standing up to the federal government, or defending the Constitution, as a good place to start.
Finally, join us on the first National Take Back Call for 2014, and get your NDAA resistance started right, or get tips on your current activity from the people who have already done it. Mark your calendars now:
Monday, January 13th, 2014
8:00 PM Eastern Time
Dial In: 1-712-432-3011
Access Code: 868594
Alright NDAA resistance, it's up to you now. The goals are set, the vision is put forth, and you have thousands of people, including experts in every field you need, ready to help you get this done. Can we get 10 cities/counties in each state, 500 cities/counties in 2014?
It's up to you. To a great year.
Dan Johnson
Founder, PANDA
People Against the NDAA
P.S. We're undergoing a complete logo transformation, which you will see in the new website, Facebook page, and at the top of this email. #PANDA2014.
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