James F. Tracy / Global Research
As a multitude of hazardous wireless technologies are deployed in homes, schools and workplaces, government officials and industry representatives continue to insist on their safety despite growing evidence to the contrary. A major health crisis looms that is only hastened through the extensive deployment of “smart grid” technology.
In October 2009 at Florida Power and Light’s (FPL) solar energy station President Barack Obama announced that $3.4 billion of the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act would be devoted to the country’s “smart energy grid” transition. Matching funds from the energy industry brought the total national Smart Grid investment to $8 billion. FPL was given $200 million of federal money to install 2.5 million “smart meters” on homes and businesses throughout the state.[1]
By now many residents in the United States and Canada have the smart meters installed on their dwellings. Each of these meters is equipped with an electronic cellular transmitter that uses powerful bursts of electromagnetic radiofrequency (RF) radiation to communicate with nearby meters that together form an interlocking network transferring detailed information on residents’ electrical usage back to the utility every few minutes or less. Such information can easily be used to determine individual patterns of behavior based on power consumption.
The smart grid technology is being sold to the public as a way to “empower” individual energy consumers by allowing them to access information on their energy usage so that they may eventually save money by programming “smart” (i.e, wireless enabled) home appliances and equipment that will coordinate their operability with the smart meter to run when electrical rates are lowest. In other words, a broader plan behind smart grid technology involves a tiered rate system for electricity consumption that will be set by the utility to which customers will have no choice but to conform.
Because of power companies’ stealth rollout of smart meters a large majority of the public still remains unaware of the dangers they pose to human health. This remains the case even though states such as Maine have adopted an “opt out” provision for their citizens. The devices have not been safety-tested by Underwriters Laboratory and thus lack the UL approval customary for most electronics.[2] Further, power customers are typically told by their utilities that the smart meter only communicates with the power company “a few times per day” to transmit information on individual household energy usage. However, when individuals obtained the necessary equipment to do their own testing they found the meters were emitting bursts of RF radiation throughout the home far more intense than a cell phone call every minute or less.[3]
America’s Telecom-friendly Policy for RF Exposure
A growing body of medical studies is now linking cumulative RF exposure to DNA disruption, cancer, birth defects, miscarriages, and autoimmune diseases. Smart meters significantly contribute to an environment already polluted by RF radiation through the pervasive stationing of cellular telephone towers in or around public spaces and consumers’ habitual use of wireless technologies. In the 2000 Salzburg Resolution European scientists recommended the maximum RF exposure for humans to be no more than one tenth of a microwatt per square centimeter. In the United States RF exposure limits are 1,000 microwatts per centimeter, with no limits for long term exposure.[4] Such lax standards have been determined by outdated science and the legal and regulatory maneuvering of the powerful telecommunications and wireless industries.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ceased studying the health effects of radiofrequency radiation when the Senate Appropriations Committee cut the department’s funding and forbade it from further research into the area.[5] Thereafter RF limits were codified as mere “guidelines” based on the EPA’s tentative findings and are to this day administered by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).
These weakly enforced standards are predicated on the alleged “thermal effect” of RF. In other words, if the energy emitted from a wireless antenna or device is not powerful enough to heat the skin or flesh then no danger is posed to human health.[6] This reasoning is routinely put forward by utilities installing smart meters on residences, telecom companies locating cellular transmission towers in populated areas, and now school districts across the US allowing the installation of cell towers on school campuses.[7]
The FCC’s authority to impose this standard was further reinforced with the passage of the 1996 Telecommunications Act that included a provision lobbied for by the telecom industry preventing state and local governments from evaluating potential environmental and health effects when locating cell towers “so long as ‘such facilities comply with the FCC’s regulations concerning such emissions.’”[8]
In 2001 an alliance of scientists and engineers with the backing of the Communications Workers of America filed a federal lawsuit hoping the Supreme Court would reconsider the FCC’s obsolete exposure guidelines and the Telecom Act’s overreach into state and local jurisdiction. The high court refused to hear the case. When the same group asked the FCC to reexamine its guidelines in light of current scientific studies the request was rebuffed.[9] Today in all probability millions are suffering from a variety of immediate and long-term health effects from relentless EMF and RF exposure that under the thermal effect rationale remain unrecognized or discounted by the telecom industry and regulatory authorities alike.
continue article at Global Research:
The numerous powerful healing attributes of Nigella Sativa, or black seed, have been well-known throughout history. Nigella Sativa is known by many different names around the world including black cumin, black seed and onion seed. It is only just recently that Western medicine has begun paying attention to this humble spice of many names, and a number of clinical trials are being conducted to verify its efficacy at treating diseases such as cancer, diabetes, MRSA, asthma, arthritis, hypertension, insomnia and epilepsy.
Black Seed contains a phytochemical known as thymoquinone that is not found in any other plant and is the compound responsible for the black seed’s legendary healing abilities. There are accounts of Nigella Sativa seeds being found as far back as ancient Egypt including inside the tomb of Tutankhamen. The seeds are used medicinally by a number of cultures worldwide, as well as being featured in a variety of Indian and Arabic cuisines. International food and beverage company Nestle -- of chocolate fame -- have recently applied for a patent on thymoquinone, which has led to widespread controversy amongst alternative health enthusiasts and natural health practitioners who claim that the corporation is attempting limit the public's access and earn a profit from a natural cure.
Healing Properties of Nigella Sativa
The seeds of Nigella Sativa are often pressed and made into oil for medicinal use. It is widely used in Islamic medicine, and one of the most famous quotes regarding the herb comes from the prophet Muhammad who stated that the seeds had the ability to “cure everything except death.” Black seeds are anti-fungal, anti-bacterial as well as being anti-inflammatory, making them one of nature’s best weapons for fighting a wide range of common health conditions. They are used throughout Asia and the Middle East to treat digestive complaints, headaches, bronchitis, improving memory, for gum disease and intestinal worms. Clinical trials have found them to be rich in antioxidants, provide protection and support to the liver and kidneys, provide relief from pain and can even help to heal the body after it has been exposed to chemical weapons.
Nigella Sativa and Cancer
Black seed is employed widely for use in the treatment of many cancers. A large number of studies have been performed regarding the use of black seed as an alternative treatment for cancer, and it has performed well on both laboratory rats and human cancer cells.
Breast Cancer – A 2004 study performed in Switzerland at the Virginia Commonwealth University Center for the Study of Biological Complexity found that thymoquinone was able to slow the growth of new human cancer cells and cause apoptosis in existing ones.
Fibrosarcoma – Thymoquinone added to drinking water at a concentration of 0.01% inhibited tumor growth by up to 43% in laboratory rats. The study commissioned by the International Study Group for the Detection and Prevention of Cancer also found that the phytochemical inhibited the survival of fibrosarcoma cells.
Skin Cancer – The Amala Cancer Research Center in India found that topical application of black seed oil combined with oral administration of saffron extract reduced the formation of skin cancer tumors by 33%.
Clinical Trials
A number of other trials have been conducted to test the effects of Nigella Sativa on a number of other diseases such as:
Diabetes – Shaqra University in Saudi Arabia proved the benefits of a diet containing black seeds and garlic on diabetic rats, where after 28 days the rats showed decreased lymphocyte proliferation. Another study performed in Saudi Arabia found that 2 grams of black seed per day reduces blood glucose and lowers insulin resistance after a period of 3 months.
Asthma – The Tanta University in Egypt found that oral administration of black seed oil significantly reduces airway hyper-responsiveness in guinea pigs and that it was a promising potential treatment for bronchial asthma in humans.
Arthritis – A placebo controlled study on 40 female patients found that two 500mg capsules of Nigella Sativa oil taken in the morning and evening reduces swollen joints and morning stiffness in arthritic patients and significantly decreased the disease’s activity.
Hypertension – Human trials into the effects of black seed oil on hypertension found that 300mg administered twice a day significantly lowered blood pressure levels in patients with mild hypertension. The Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences in Iran performed the trials and concluded that black seed oil could effectively lower blood pressure levels after just 2 months.
Nestle Patent Attempt
Nestle has filed hundreds of patents attempting to gain ownership of the black seed’s powerful healing potential...
Read more here: http://www.jbbardot.com/research-confirms-nigella-sativa-black-seed-is-good-for-almost-everything-that-ails-you/
Go here, The JB Bardot Archives, for more great articles on natural health and alternative life styles.

L. A. Marzulli
These photos were taken yesterday about 3 miles from where I live, in the Santa Monica Mountains. I was watching jets spraying these very pronounced chem-trails and so took several shots with my I-phone. ”They” were spraying all through the morning into the early afternoon, creating a web of Chem-trails in the skies above the Los Angeles area. What was interesting is I could see other jets on their approach to LAX and they were leaving contrails, which evaporated in a few minutes, whereas these CHEM-TRAILS lingered in the air for hours.
What are they spraying up there and why? Who is doing this and what right do they have to spray what many believe are toxic chemicals into the air we breathe? Where is the public outrage?
Something is being sprayed in the skies all over the world. Someone is giving the orders and paying the pilots to do this. What haven’t the pilots spoken up? Are they that spineless? Don’t they realize it’s their future too we’re talking about? Yet, these continue week after week. Today it was over the top as there was a vast web of these chemicals directly overhead, with more being added as these photographs were being taken. (Look at the first photo on the left and you can see the Jet laying down the chem-trail.
About a year ago I was playing golf with my buddies and the sky looked the same then as it did today. I mentioned it and both men scoffed at the notion. I pointed at the sky and asked, do you really think this is normal? By chance an airline jet was in the sky and they could see the difference as the jet was leaving a contrail which dissipated in the air rather quickly whereas the chem-trails not only lingered but grew larger with the passing of time. (See the last picture above)
In closing todays post. The nay-sayers assure us there is no such thing as chem-trails and this is more conspiracy related paranoia. However, I would point out there are people who have investigated this and reported on it. (See links below) We can choose to live in ignorance or at least take the time to investigate and educate ourselves, as our future may depend on it.
For more info:

New Years Eve!: December 31 - Calvary Chapel Oceanside – Southern Cal. http://www.calvaryoceanside.org/upcoming-events/item/322-l-a-marzulli-2014.html
Feruary 7-9; Dominion Christian Center – Details coming
February 21-22 – Decoding the End Times Bible Conference! www.theprophecyforum.com
Prophecy In the News! Orlando - March 28-30 www.propehcyinthenews.com
March 1 – Slacon Texas – Details coming soon!
May 23-25: Tampa Florida – Details Coming soon!
May 30-31: Nephilim Mounds II – Details pending. www.nephilimmounds2.com
To book L. A. Marzulli please email him at la@lamarzulli.net
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