Frankly, this artificial sludge drink looks just like piss (but maybe piss would be healthier). Yeah, I said it. WARNING: On top of the GMO high fructose corn syrup, the ingredients inside this imitation fruit beverage pose the risk of forming a known carcinogen inside the bottle – just waiting for you to drink it. More than 20 years after the FDA and beverage industry first learned that sodium benzoate and citric acid or ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) can create the carcinogen benzene while in the bottle together – and 7 years after, shamefully, the public was first told – artificial fruit drinks and canned sodas still frequently use these ingredients in risky combination, or variant formulas like potassium benzoate, which has the same effect. The soda companies and the FDA knew back in the early 1990s; the public didn’t find out until it made headlines in 2006 that these ingredients were creating a public health hazard no one wanted to address. Supporting Evidence From the American Chemical Society in 1993 – Benzene production from decarboxylation of benzoic acid in the presence of ascorbic acid and a transition-metal catalyst From 2008 Belgian study – Benzene formation from Sodium/Potassium Benzoate and Citric Acid is worsened by plastic bottle packaging 2008: Diet Coke to drop additive in DNA damage fear Meanwhile, the same ingredient – added to your food as a preservative – also poses another admitted risk: the 40 year old thesis that artificial color dyes & additives – including sodium benzoate – were making kids hyperactive and/or ADHD and irritating allergies was officially confirmed and publicly recognized, prompting EU bans, in the 2007 Southampton study. Supporting Evidence Sodium Benzoate, Artificial Colors & ADHD/Hyperactivity in Children: Key Southampton Study from 2007 – Food additives and hyperactive behaviour in 3-year-old and 8/9-year-old children in the community: a randomised, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial Artificial Food Colorings & Benzoate Preservative, from 2004: The effects of a double blind, placebo controlled, artificial food colourings and benzoate preservative challenge on hyperactivity in a general population sample of preschool children This artificial beverage – one of the least enlightened products anywhere on store shelves, and marketed directly to Hispanics already at a higher risk for food-derived health decline – not only gives its customer base the literal formula for creating benzene, a known toxin, inside the bottle [sodium benzoate + citric acid + ascorbic acid (Vitamin C extract likely derived from corn)], but it also provides consumers with every opportunity for hyperactivity with ingredients Yellow #5 & Yellow #6 and sodium benzoate all in one batch, as well as every opportunity for obesity, diabetes, et al. via the ‘contains no juice’ yet filled with loads of high fructose corn syrup approach to refreshment. With ingredients this good, why not just go into a science lab and guzzle down any random yellow liquid you find? Further supporting evidence on this complex social issue may help address several concerns with no easy answer (or alternately no easy solution): • Should oligopolistic cartels control the “free market”? • Should Michael Bloomberg lead the way in dictatorial nanny state calorie control just because the majority of the food supply is laced with dangerous additives? • Should U.S. taxpayers be forced to subsidize GMO corn & soy by the billions, along with filthy, toxic CAFO feedlots to produce beef & chicken, etc.
Read more about Artificial Fruit Drink Creates Its Own Cancer Causing By-Product
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