Thursday, December 26, 2013

Top School District In The Nation Opts Out Of Common Core Standards (Video)

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Top School District In The Nation Opts Out Of Common Core Standards (Video)

   The dream of every Totalitarian leader from Hitler, Stalin and everywhere in between have always sought to centralize and control education of the youth. The reason is quite simple: For whoever molds the minds of the youth can eventually dominate the population of a country or the world, even if it takes a generation or two or three. That is why tyrants in recent centuries have demanded compulsory, government led education. Take Common Core for example, as you will see in the video below, indoctrination begins as early as the 1st grade.


  Just remember,  Hitler made it perfectly clear that he wanted to use “education” as a tool to mold German children in accordance with the National Socialist regime’s despotic and murderous ideology. As well as Stalin, and numerous other infamous tyrants and mass-murderers. As Karl Marx noted in his Communist Manifesto, government-controlled schooling is essential to achieving the goals of socialism.

   Now that one of the top school districts in the nation says they will not adopt in on Common Core Curriculum, maybe America will pay closer attention.

By Kyle Maichle, Editor of Wisconsin Election Watch.

Germantown – On Wednesday evening, the Germantown School Board became the first in Wisconsin to oppose the adoption of Common Core standards.

The school board’s expressed opposition to Common Core standards came after one day after State Representative Jeremy Thiesfeldt (R-Fond du Lac)  issued survey results on Common Core standards that resulted in varied responses from school administrators across the State of Wisconsin.  Rep. Thiesfeldt served as the Assembly Co-Chairman on the Select Committee on Common Core standards.

More: Appleton School Board Approves February Referendum

As a result of the unanimous vote by the Germantown School Board, the school district decided that they will set their own standards for model academic achievement in January.   Germantown, located in the Northwest Milwaukee suburbs, is considered to be one of the highest performing public school districts in Wisconsin and in the nation.  Germantown High School according to US News and World Report is ranked in the top five percent nationally of the best high schools nationally.   District Administrator Jeff Holmes admitted that if Germantown sticked to Common Core, they would fall down a road of mediocrity.

More: Ellsworth Voters to Consider School District’s Future in 2014

Wisconsin Election Watch contacted Meagan Matthews a Legislative Aide for Rep. Thiesfeldt.  She said that she is not aware of any other school boards that are considering to oppose Common Core.   According to the survey results school district administrators in Winter and Granstburg have expressed serious concerns about common core.  The Marshfield School District said in the survey despite they will adopt Common Core, they feel that their local-based standards are more stringent than the state.  However, the survey made no indication if school districts that responded would follow Germantown’s lead.  The survey found numerous other districts that are adopting Common Core and feel that the new standards are more stringent.

Wisconsin Election Watch contacted Senate Co-Chairman of the Select Committee on Common Core Standards Paul Farrow (R-Pewaukee, 33rd District) for comment.  They did not respond to our request for comment at the time of publication.

 If you think Germantown Wi is a lone, you would be wrong, if fact other school districts around the nation are opting out of the Common Core standards and for good reason as you will see in the video below.

 Mind you this is at a frirst grade level.

 Imagine what kind of person they will have developed by the time your children graduate high school.

Critical Reads: More News Mainstream Media Chooses to ignore By Josey Wales, Click Here!


A Taxpayer Bailout for ObamaCare- The Next Too-Big-to-Fail Train Wreck On The Horizon

Arnold Ahlert / Canada Free Press

An American public already reeling from the catastrophic rollout of ObamaCare will more than likely be hearing an unfamiliar term being bandied about in the new year. “Risk corridor” refers to a provision in the law that allows the government to “stabilize” premium costs for insurance companies during the first three years of the healthcare rollout.

If insurance companies’ “target” costs for providing healthcare has been miscalculated, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) will intercede on their behalf. Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammerilluminates the nature of that intercession. “The insurers understand that they’re going to be completely ruined,” Krauthammer explains. “And what’s going to happen as a result of this? There’s only one way out, a huge government bailout of the insurers is waiting at the end of next year.” More accurately, it will be a taxpayer-funded bailout, similar to the ones given to the banks and the car companies.

Risk corridors were established to protect insurance companies that signed up too many sick people, relative to the number of healthy enrollees. They were part of asystem that also included two other concepts known as “reinsurance” and “risk adjustment.”

The reinsurance part of the equation initially compensated insurance companies for enrollees whose costs exceed $60,000 per year. For 2014, that compensation is funded by a $10 billion fund, fed by a $63 tax that has been levied on all healthcare plans. And while the program collects those taxes even from large employer-sponsored plans, payouts only help to underwrite the costs of individual and small-group plans.

Risk Corridors

Risk adjustment refers to the idea that, after insurance companies have calculated all the payments they have made for 2014, those that paid out less than the average cost of compensation would “redistribute” that largesse to companies that paid out more. This redistribution was designed to dis-incentivize insurers from signing up only low-risk healthy people. This part of the law is permanent, and its zero-sum feature is intended to spread risk across the entire spectrum of carriers.

Which brings us to the risk corridors. Risk corridors only apply to insurance programs being sold on the ObamaCare exchanges. It is similar to the risk adjustment concept in that it is also an attempt to even out insurers’ profits and losses. Those insurers who set their rates too high are required to pay a portion of that excess profit to the government. Those that set their rates too low will have a portion of their losses mitigated by a government payout.

As previously noted, the formula only affects adjustments for the first three years of ObamaCare’s implementation. The Incidental Economist’s Adrianna McIntyre provides a chart showing the payout structure. If insurers’ calculations fall between 97 percent and 103 percent of their actual costs, no action is taken. For those whose costs range from 103-108 percent, a 50 percent bailout applies to the amount in excess of 103 percent. Above 108 percent, HHS pays 2.5 percent of target, plus 80 percent of the costs in excess of 108 percent.

continue article at Canada Free Press:

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