Sunday, December 15, 2013

Sudden Threat Endangers Hillary's 2016 Run

Before It's News | Popular Politics

Sudden Threat Endangers Hillary's 2016 Run

Mrs. Clinton named in criminal charges



NEW YORK – A threat to Hillary Clinton’s much anticipated 2016 presidential campaign appears to be developing in Egypt where the government is taking steps to criminalize the Muslim Brotherhood.

Specifically, a new criminal complaint has been filed with Egypt’s attorney general, Hisham Barakat, alleging U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton collaborated with Naglaa Mahmoud, the wife of ousted Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi in seeking to excite domestic insurrections to topple Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, the Egyptian general who has been commander in chief of the Egyptian armed forces, as well as minister of defense, since Aug. 12, 2012.

Researcher Walid Shoebat, a native Arabic-speaker and a former Palestinian Liberation Organization operative, has reported on his blog credible news sources in Egypt have reported in Arabic that criminal charges brought against Hillary Clinton and Morsi’s wife.

Shoebat translated the following from an Egyptian Mehwar TV channel news video in which television reporter Nasr Qaffas explains on camera details of an interview Turkey’s Anatolia news agency conducted with Naglaa Mahmoud.

The following are excerpts from the transcript of the Mehwar TV news video, in which comments by Naglaa Mahmoud also implicate Huma Abedin, wife of former Democratic Congressman Anthony Weiner and the former Hillary Clinton chief of staff whom WND has identified as having close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood:

Qaffas: According to Anatolia Press, Mahmoud said, “I have between my fingers, a treasure trove of secrets from the White House and Mrs. Clinton fears my wrath.” She said, “I will not speak about Huma Abedin.” When asked if she had a close relationship with Hillary Clinton, Mahmoud said, “When my husband returns from his kidnapping, the one who led the coup will pay a hefty price.” Of Mrs. Clinton, she said, “We have a long friendship of many years. We lived in the U.S. and my children learned there. This friendship increased further when my husband became the legitimate president of the country.”

Mahmoud went on to say that they were recruited by the Clintons from the U.S. and began their friendship in the 1980s. This appears to be a conspiracy that is being hidden.

Read More Here

Reposted with permission

Obamacare Secret Manual Shows Gov't Data-Mining Scheme (Crowdsource Request To Before It's News Readers)

By Susan Duclos
While the secret Obamacare handbook is no longer a secret since it has been leaked online, going through the 217 page Obamacare Navigator SOP (standard operating procedure) holds within it the proof that Obamacare is nothing more than a scheme to data-mine intrusive information on every individual in America, which would create a de facto federal registry on American citizens.
A few examples will be listed and the document will be embedded below, with a request to readers to crowdsource, meaning go through it and leave portions, with page numbers that they believe to be egregious, those comments barring duplicates, will be added at the bottom as updates.
Starting on page #8 (after the index):
It shows that Navigators are instructed to collect Personally Identifiable Information (PII) to include what they refer to as biometrics, specifically using fingerprints as an example, along with Social Security Numbers, Date of Birth, Address, Income, Personal Finances, Bank Account Numbers (as shown by recent news that Obamacare enrollees have had money taken from their account"accidentally) Debts, Deductions, and Exemptions.
Page #9:
Instructions on "protecting" that PPI information, includes not divulging the information except to "valid" individuals and organizations. Valid being determined by who? It doesn't say.
Page #25:
The Individual Mandate specifies that the ACA aka Obamacare "provides" all citizens be required to obtain health insurace or be faced with a fine to be paid to IRS. Provides? No, Obamacare forces compliance or those that do not comply are punished by the government.
Page #25 & #26:
They again refer to the "fee" to be paid to IRS for non-compliance, which is an outright lie since the Supreme Court ruled that the Individual Manadate "fee" is legally a tax.
Page #30:
Exemptions include Religious Conscience which would require Religious Membership Information, Religious sect and proof that the sect is recognized by the Social Security Administration.
Not all religious organizations are recognized, therefore it is solely up to the SSA as to whether religious members are allowed to claim a religious exemption?
Below is the 217 page document, with a warning on each page which threatens prosecution for unauthorized dissemination is on the Internet for the world to see.
Crowdsourcing - Readers are asked to go through the document and mention in the comment section below anything they find particularly invasive or concerning. What one might consider egregious, another might not, so we leave it to the individual to find what they consider noteworthy.



Obamacare Navigator SOP Manual 8 26 by Susan Duclos


Susan Duclos owns/writes Wake up America



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