Monday, December 16, 2013

Ron Paul Implicated In Failed White Supremacist Island Invasion

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Ron Paul Implicated In Failed White Supremacist Island Invasion

In 1981 a group of American and Canadian white supremacists lead by Klansman and mercenary, Michael (Mike) Perdue planned on taking over a small West Indian country called Dominica by overthrowing the government and Prime Minister Eugenia Charles and restoring its previous prime minister, Patrick Johns into power. The group planned to create an Aryan paradise in Dominica and make money through casinos, cocaine and brothels.

On the day the group of white supremacists were supposed to travel to Dominica, they were arrested by ATF agents and were found with over thirty automatic weapons, shotguns, rifles, handguns, dynamite, ammunition, a confederate flag and a Nazi flag. The plan would be dubbed “The Bayou Of Pigs” after the failed invasion of Cuba.

The leader of the group, Michael Perdue, would plead guilty to planning the coup and turned state’s evidence. Perdue would testify that several other people helped organize and fund the coup and that two Texas politicians were aware of the plan. Among those Perdue implicated were infamous white supremacist, David Duke, former Texas Governor, John Connally and Congressman, Ron Paul whom he claimed knew about the plot. Connally was credited with helping Paul win his first congressional election.

I broke the story here on BIN about Ron Paul's supposed connections with Neo-Nazi groups back when Anonymous broke the story after hacking some neo-nazi websites.  This is more detail to that.  I had no idea about any of this and find it uber fascinating.  The what ifs of history.  Who knows, Ron paul could be President Ron Paul of White Dominica in some other timeline in some other universe.   But here in this one, hes just a retired Congressman with his own tv channel.  Somebody should press him on this.  -Mort

NSA Is The Digital Octopus! Is It Time For A Bill Of Digital Rights?

NSA Is The Digital Octopus! Is It Time For A Bill Of Digital Rights?

Like many of you, I have been following the whole NSA/Prism/Snowden story since it first broke. While I wasn't naive enough to think that something like this was not going on (sorry for the double negative there), the shear scope of the operation has shaken my faith in our government to its roots. I don't necessarily think that what has happened to date is the worst it could be, either. I think, in fact, that with this precedent the potential for abuse is much worse. But that doesn't mean I am happy with it even now.

Like performance enhancing drugs in sports, I firmly believe that if the means exists, someone, somewhere will abuse it. It happens in sports, it will happen in science and it will happen with abusing technology. The question is will enough people view this potential abuse as important enough to say and do something about it.

Published on Dec 16, 2013



Kev TruthTube

What do all the NSA leaks tell us about the state of national security in the US? What is the real mission of the NSA and other intelligence agencies? And, is the national security state keeping us safe? CrossTalking with Suzanne Nossel and Eugene Puryear. 


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Be AWARE and be PREPARED, FEAR is not an option. Be safe everyone…

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