Monday, December 16, 2013

Part 15: What America Will Look Like In 2050—how you can stop the invasion

By Frosty Wooldridge Part 15: How to stop the invasion of your country This “immigration invasion” moves at such an imperceptible speed, few Americans realize it and most don’t possess a clue as to the end result. Those who understand the final equation feel paralyzed and helpless in the face of our president and Congress representing illegal aliens and doubling legal immigration rather than upholding our laws and dramatically reducing legal immigration. Forty to fifty years from now, historians will write on various aspects of the collapse of the United States of America. They will write about how America turned into a schizophrenic-multicultural society; a linguistically chaotic country with dozens of languages competing to be understood to get what they wanted; and conflicting cultures that competed for dominance.

Part 15: What America Will Look Like In 2050—how you can stop the invasionRead more about Part 15: What America Will Look Like In 2050—how you can stop the invasion

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