Tuesday, December 17, 2013

OBAMASCARE: Huge Premium Hikes Rock Employer-Insured Workers

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OBAMASCARE: Huge Premium Hikes Rock Employer-Insured Workers

OBAMASCARE: Huge premium hikes rock employer-insured workers

Sharon Wilson, an office manager in Iowa, figured she would lock in a good deal on health care coverage for her five-person biofuels company by renewing its policy before Obamacare kicked in for 2014. But she balked when her agent came back with a 81 percent rate hike, anyway.

Her company, Prairie City-based Midwest Renewable Biofuels, had experienced rate hikes during her career, Ms. Wilson said, but not like this. Plus, the previous jumps were accompanied by explanations for why premiums were rising.

Yet another federal jurist has determined the White House unlawfully infringed on religious freedom with its blinkered insistence that Obamacare health insurance policies must be identical, no matter what.

Brooklyn Federal Judge Brian Cogan rebuked the administration for ordering two New York Catholic high schools — Cardinal Spellman in the Bronx and Monsignor Farrell on Staten Island — to provide contraception and sterilization coverage to employees.



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