Tuesday, December 17, 2013

NSA's Claim: Thwarts A Cyber Attack That Would Have Destroyed The Economy (X22 Report)

By Susan Duclos X22 Report calls out the NSA's claim that they thwarted a cyber attack that would have destroyed the economy, stating outright the claim is total BS and propaganda. The "60 Minutes" appearance was timed specifically for when a judge was ruling on the constitutionality of the NSA's intrusive spying. For the record, the federal judge ruled the NSA's phone surveillance program "likely unconstitutional," calling the dragnet 'likely' in breach of fourth amendment, and describes scope of program as 'Orwellian'. Read the ruling here.

NSA's Claim: Thwarts A Cyber Attack That Would Have Destroyed The Economy (X22 Report)Read more about NSA's Claim: Thwarts A Cyber Attack That Would Have Destroyed The Economy (X22 Report)

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