Wednesday, December 18, 2013

More Proof America Has ‘Gone Rogue’

Before It's News | Popular Politics

More Proof America Has ‘Gone Rogue’

The recent scandal involving CIA agent Levinson is further proof than America has “gone rogue,” writes <b>Duff</b>. Above, Levinson is seen in an undated photo.

The recent scandal involving CIA agent Levinson is further proof than America has “gone rogue,” writes Duff. Above, Levinson is seen in an undated photo.


Veterans Today

By Gordon Duff and Press TV


The recent Robert Levinson scandal, evidencing “rogue” CIA operations, is being quickly shoved under the rug.  Considering the CIA is an organization that openly runs “secret” prisons, assassination teams and a fleet of terror drones, that when they aren’t blowing up wedding parties in Yemen are running drugs out of Afghanistan, what can a “rogue” operation mean?

Is there actually something worse than the pattern of unilateral lawlessness that the CIA and other US agencies admit to on a daily basis?


Since 2004, the CIA has been largely privatized, under control of extremist political groups in the US and working against national interests.  It has made the United States feared, not as a competent enemy but rather as a nation under the control of criminal elements willing to use any and all capabilities, military, diplomatic or scientific, on behalf of bizarre apocalyptic theories or corporate greed.

Recent discoveries in the Caucuses that American medical and agricultural research facilities are, in fact, biological and chemical weapons facilities adds only one “tile” to a mosaic whose pattern is more than clear.

Let’s look at “Levinson.”

Real stories seldom get out and when they do, they are “spun” into an unrecognizable monstrosity and planted with conspiracy theories or unfounded allegations.  Such is the nature of the “new” mainstream media.

Were it ever told, the real story, the real threat to the United States and the real threat to nations that are subject to American clandestine operations has been the full and unlimited penetration of every command authority and agency.

When America attacks, no one can be sure if the order came from Washington, Tel Aviv, Zurich or Wall Street.


The coverup of the recent Levinson CIA scandal, in itself, may seem minor as has the firing of dozens of high ranking officers and the gutting of America’s nuclear command structure.

All have innocent stories published about them.  However, none of those stories are true.

The pattern, if reported, and it never will be, not just for reasons of national security but that it would reveal a dramatic increase in the ability of a faction, sometimes referred to as “Zionist” or “pro-Israel,” perhaps more accurately described as an affiliation of secret societies and criminal elements, to cripple America’s ability for self-rule.

America’s “right” aided by the AIPAC lobby and mainstream press has been tasked, no other term applies, with undermining any attempt to restore representative rule remotely accountable to the American people as “socialist” or anti-Semitic.”

The Robert Levinson story is such, the media stumbling over solid evidence that Israeli intelligence and operates terror operations from inside the CIA with impunity.  We all know it isn’t just the CIA.

Recent events have proven that the CIA, NSA and key military commands within the US have been taken over by “rogue groups,” some with proven ties to Israeli intelligence.  The most recent case, involving Robert Levinson, proves the CIA is incapable of policing itself.

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John LeBoutillier – Boehner’s Mysterious Behavior Towards Conservatives

from Financial Survival Network

Former Congressman John LeBoutillier touched base with FSN today about the strange goings on in Washington DC today. He can’t understand why House Leader Boehner is alienating conservatives after the hideous budget deal reached by Paul Ryan last week. The conservatives will be instrumental in retaking the Senate next year. The news on Obamacare is awful for the Democrats and it will only get worse. Seniors are upset, those with individual policies who’ve received cancellation notices are angry and the worst is yet to come. The Republicans need their own plan and yet to date, they’ve refused to come up with one. Hopefully, they will before it’s too late.

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