Thursday, December 26, 2013

Meet The Secret Rulers Of The World: The Truth About The Bohemian Grove

*** Fundraising: Our deficit is currently down to $290, and with still some time before the first which gives us some breathing room to spare. As we mentioned before, you maybe aware, all expenses have gone up, so there is a need this month to make our goal or else we must either take on ads, (thats if the advertisers would deign to grace us with their ads) which I abhor, or suspend our work, leaving the blog up as a reference board for all to read if need be. If you have benefited in anyway from our blog and our work, we hope you will contribute, by clicking on the pay pal button off to the right of the blog. We appreciate very much the support you have given in so many ways, and pray that you will continue in every way, including commenting and passing this around to others.

Read more about Meet The Secret Rulers Of The World: The Truth About The Bohemian Grove

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