Sunday, December 15, 2013

If Cell Phone Radiation Were Visible, The World Would Look Like This

sage: We already know that cell phone radiation is bad and that the Galactics have been trying to dampen it as much as they can. These images really bring it home as to just how much we have been inflicted with this form of poisoning. By Betsy Isaacson, Huffington Post – December 13, 2013 What would the world look like if you could see cell phone radiation? Artist Nickolay Lamm has tried to answer that question. In July, Lamm released a series of illustrations imagining a Washington, D.C., where Wi-Fi was visible, bathing famous sites in a rainbow of colors. On Wednesday, he finished a sequel of sorts — a series of pictures of U.S.

Read more about If Cell Phone Radiation Were Visible, The World Would Look Like This

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