Friday, December 27, 2013

Health Alert Update! Chicago H1N1 Outbreak, 5 Dead In Texas!! Multiple Other States Affected (Video)

Before It's News | Popular Health

Health Alert Update! Chicago H1N1 Outbreak, 5 Dead In Texas!! Multiple Other States Affected (Video)

By Susan Duclos
A major health alert folks as the H1N1 spreads further than previously reported with nearly two dozen cases in Chicago, five now dead in Texas, with multiple states reporting cases.The H1N1 virus otherwise known as the Swine Flu is responsive for the massive 2009 worldwide pandemic where the CDC estimated the global deaths from H1N1 at 284,000.
As was reported the other day here at Before It's News, the deadly virus is spreading and is being reported in Florida, Oregon, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas and Canada. More on that in the video below, before the one where Indiana Pastor Paul Begley discusses the Texas deaths below.





Susan Duclos owns/writes Wake up America

Highly Likely A Pandemic Is Forming (Or Is Already Well Under Way)

Is Undected Because The Reporting Mechanisms The Hospitals Use To Local Health Departments & Utimately The CDC Are Grossly Underestimating The Problem

Hi Steve, I'm a paramedic in a large southern city. I was remarking to

a coworker early this morning about this year's flu season being one

of the harshest in my experience so far. One of the nurses told me

that although they have had thousands come to the hospital with flu

symptoms, they were tested for influenza and tested negative.

It seems this bug is transmitted primarily via droplet contact (cough,

sneeze, etc) and evades the widely available flu test the hospitals

use. It's highly likely that a pandemic is forming (or is already well

under way) and is undetected because the reporting mechanisms the

hospitals use to local health departments and ultimately the CDC are

grossly underestimating the problem.

It's being kept hush-hush in order to avoid panic (I was passed

information by several nurses and doctors who started the intel with

"you didn't hear this from me but...") so preppers and patriots should

heed the warning now.

God Bless

Dec 27, 2013

Fukushima Update December 27th: "Expect Radiation Releases To Increase" - Official

This latest story from ENENews is more sobering news from Fukushima and shares with us more information that our government and the government of Japan don't want the world to know. According to an official, we should expect the airborne Fukushima death cloud to increase, while we also learn that our seafood caught closer to the US shores is MORE LIKELY to be contaminated than fish caught near Japan. Within 10 to 15 years, we should learn the consequences of the slow release of this ongoing poison being unleashed into the Northern hemisphere. BeautifulGirlByDana shares that it's time to prosecute Fukushima and the nuclear PR firms with crimes against humanity in the video below.
Official: Expect airborne radiation releases from Fukushima to increase — Seafood catches off U.S. Pacific coast more likely to be contaminated than ones far closer to Japan — ‘Gravest danger’ to public is if they eat these products
Maxim Shingarkin, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Natural Resources (Lower House of the Federal Assembly of Russia), Dec. 25, 2013: “Because of the world ocean currents, the seafood that’s caught off the US Pacific coast is more likely to contain radionuclides than the seafood in the Sea of Okhotsk, which is by far closer to Japan. It is these marine products that may find their way to the tables of different countries’ residents that pose the gravest danger. [...] not all fuel has been removed from the damaged nuclear reactors yet. We can therefore expect atmospheric radiation releases as a result of the heating up of reactors.”
Vladimir Slivyak, lecturer at the Russia’s National Research University Higher School of Economics and co-chairman of Ekozashchita, Dec. 25, 2013: “"We are likely to learn about the detailed consequences of the Fukushima nuclear disaster in a matter of 10 to 15 years. It is clear that a great deal of fisheries, water grass areas and actually anything in the ocean has been contaminated. Fukushima radiation is understandably spreading across the world.”
What's been happening to our country via Fukushima is nothing less than a sustained nuclear attack, ongoing until it leads humanity to extinction? It's time to prosecute those who are responsible for these crimes against humanity.

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