Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Global Currency Reset Planned Within The Next 90 Days

Lindsey Williams puts a date of “90 Days” until the elite will reset the currencies of 204 countries world wide! While I can’t say that he’s going to be right… or wrong but this is first time I can recall him stated an exact time frame like this. He’s previously stated dates like “by the end of 2013″ or “by the end of 2012″ the dollar will be basically worthless. That’s not very specific as it’s too speculative due to the nature of what one person calls worthless versus what someone else states is worthless. But I will admit that the “buying power” of the US Dollar is a whole lot less today then it was in 2011 as I’ve personally seen prices rise on food significantly in the last 2 years. And I’ll noticed the trickery of the companies selling food products by keeping the price the same but by decreasing the size of the container that it’s in.

Read more about Global Currency Reset Planned Within The Next 90 Days

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