Wednesday, December 25, 2013

General Mattis Crosses Potomac With 100,000 Troops; President, Senate Flee City

WASHINGTON — In an unprecedented turn in American history, retired Marine Gen. James Mattis, several years after being dismissed by the President and exiled to his estate in the countryside, marched on the national capitol early Tuesday morning with an army over one hundred thousand strong. This number includes at least ten infantry legions, several aviation and artillery legions, and multiple cavalry cohorts. “I come in peace, by myself, in order to hand-deliver a Memorandum of Concern to the Commander in Chief and the Senate,” said Mattis in a press conference. “I am moving on foot at a leisurely pace, with no ill will. If these American citizens choose to take a stroll with me, then who am I to turn down their companionship?” Read more at the Duffelblog

Read more about General Mattis Crosses Potomac With 100,000 Troops; President, Senate Flee City

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