Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Change Your Mood: Use Aromatherapy! (Video)

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Change Your Mood: Use Aromatherapy! (Video)

Aromatherapy is a miracle for our noses! The alluring and sweet smells that come from essential oils and aromatherapy are quite pleasing to smell for myself and I'm sure others. Essential oils can play a huge factor on our emotions and physical response to other ladies and chaps.  For example, I went to the library not to long ago to get an alternative healthcare book so I could write more interesting articles for you spiffy individuals to read and while I was looking for a book I smelled the most delightful smell any woman could smell. *epic voice* Yes, it was that manly smell that made me awe in greatness to whoever was wearing it. Anyways, my point is essential oils play a huge factor in our health. I have been using essential oils for two years and it has played a huge role on my health and emotional well being.

Lovely Ylang Ylang above

Aromatherapy Starter Kit

Lavender- It's soothing, an antiseptic, and generally therapeutic. It's good for skin problems, insomnia, stress, indigestion, cystitis, headaches, and burns.

Lemon- Refreshing, antiseptic, stimulating. It's used used for warts, deppression, acne, and indigestion.

Tea Tree- Antifungal, antiseptic. It's used for dandruff, mouthwash, cuts, insects, bits, and candida.

Ylang Ylang- (Which is my favorite) Euphoric, aphrodisiacal, relaxing. It's used for deppression, tension, high blood pressure, and digestive upsets.

Peppermint- (I use this as a lip plumper) Digestive, cooling, refreshing, mentally stimulating. It's used for muscle fatigue, bad breath, toothache, bronchitis, indigestion, and travel sickness.

Rosemary- (Great for a hair treatment for hair loss/hair growth) Stimulating, refreshing. It's used for muscle fatigue, cols, poor circulation, aches and pains, and mental fatigue.

Petitgrain- Soothing, calming, antidepressant. It's used for skin problems, apathy, irritability, and depression.

Geranium- Soothing, refreshing, relaxing, antidepressant, astringent. It's used for PMT, menopause, apathy, anxiety, and skin issues.

Eucalyptus- (I use this for my back pain. It's amazing!) Antiseptic, decongestant, antiviral. It's used for colds, chest infections, aches and pains.

Clary Sage- Warming, soothing, aphrodisiacal. It's used for menstrual problems, depression, anxiety and high blood pressure.

Here is a video below explaining the benefits of different essential oils:

I hope this helps!


Radical Rose




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