With a renewed push from the Obama administration to impose new, more restrictive gun control legislation following yet another poorly reported on shooting, this time at the Washington Navy Yard in Washington DC, American’s are in for another round of devastating blows to their second amendment rights. Gun owners and second amendment rights advocates across the nation know that it is not a matter of if but a matter of when, and many are scrambling to buy up as many of the items that are in the cross-hairs of Diane Feinstein and the Obama administration as they possibly can while they are still available to civilians. In light of recent events, I thought now a better time than ever to examine the firearms that will undoubtedly soon be banned, and put together a buyer’s guide of sorts with my views and opinions about the best firearms to purchase in preparation for a doomsday scenario before a ban is put into action. Each of the items listed has its own merits, strengths, and weaknesses.
Read more about Top Five Rifles to Buy Before an Assault Weapons Ban
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