By Susan Duclos Hedge fund manager and billionaire Paul Singer issued a rare and unusual warning to his clients in his investment update letter on Monday, about the threat of an EMP attack and how it is "head-and-shoulders above all the rest in terms of the scope of potential damage adjusted for the likelihood of occurrence," according to quotes published by CNBC. EMP stands for electromagnetic pulse and can literally send us into the dark ages if it wipes out a power grid, creating total chaos and with the constant news of cyber warfare and cyber attacks, this is a realistic warning Singer is offering. Singer also calls this threat the "most significant danger," in the world today. After warning about the devastation of a "natural" EMP event, he then goes on to describe how a man-made EMP attack would be much worse.
Read more about Billionaire Warns: EMP Attack The 'Most Significant Danger' In The World
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