By Susan Duclos Is war with Russia inevitable? We're going to discuss a variety of articles which show planned, organized actions on the parts of a variety of countries, which can only be explained as a deliberate attempt to create conditions which will end in catastrophe on a global scale because the actors involved are nuclear powers. Starting with a must-read Global Research pieces, we see that "three most influential mass circulation newsmagazines of the United States, Britain, and Germany—Time, The Economist, and Der Spiegel—have published cover stories that combine wild accusations against Vladimir Putin with demands for a showdown with Russia." Incendiary language, unproven accusations and claims that are backed up with no evidence, amounting to nothing more than propaganda generated in order to garner public support for a war against Russia. Via that Global Research piece: What is the Russian president to make of the use of this sort of language in the most influential newsmagazines?
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