While it probably should be no surprise to anyone that Monsanto has their hands where they shouldn't be, this shocking Monsanto/Ebola connection exposed by Mike Adams and NaturalNews.com will send shivers up your spine. As more confirmation that ebola is spreading out of control, Monsanto AND the Department of Defense are investing in an ebola drug treatment company as the world heads to a crisis that is the closest thing to a real-life zombie apocalypse according to Mike. Has ebola been weaponized and is now being unleashed upon America and the world as the elitists last ditch attempt to depopulate the planet? Why is Monsanto, a company that has been called 'the most evil corporation in the world', investing in an ebola treatment company?
Read more about Shocking Monsanto/Ebola Connection - Monsanto And DOD Invest In Ebola Treatment Company As Ebola Outbreak May Already Be Uncontrollable!
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