[Editor's Note: The following post is by TDV Editor-In-Chief, Jeff Berwick] Technology is constantly evolving. In ten years the internet will look nothing like it does today. Talk of a "darknet" and "clearnet" will become more pervasive as the free market develops ways around the undermined aspects of online privacy. In today's climate, it is more importnat than ever to be on your toes when it comes to protecting privacy.
Read more about What Few Know About Tor Might Shock You
Thursday, July 31, 2014
★Planet X Nibiru Now Close To The Earth And Sun★Closest To Earth August 2014 – It’s Coming In Fast★Signs of the Coming Apocalypse★
Planet X or Nibiru is often said to bring its own galaxy and our SECOND SUN. As Nibiru cuts through our solar system in retrograde motion to the other planets it performs its various duties such as displacing or replacing planets and causing general havoc in the process. Its passage is momentous but short taking only a few weeks or months at most, after which it dissapears from view. Nibiru Is Here – The Winged Disk Nibiru is here now in our solar system – soon it will be easily seen by everyone on this planet and denial will have to end for those that have eyes to see.
Read more about ★Planet X Nibiru Now Close To The Earth And Sun★Closest To Earth August 2014 – It’s Coming In Fast★Signs of the Coming Apocalypse★
Communicating During A Disaster: Emergency Radios And Frequencies Guide
By Tara Dodrill If your spouse and children are away from home when disaster strikes, would you be able to communicate with them and help guide them home? Many folks have become far to reliant upon cell phone and the Internet to communicate and reach loves ones quickly in our modern world. Purchasing at least one type of emergency communications device could help reunite and aid loves ones during either a short or long-term disaster. Cell phone signals and Internet access are typically the first “services” to cease operating during either a natural or man-made disaster, and landlines may not be far behind. The GPS gadgets so many people rely upon to get to point B from point A will not be helpful if they are built into your vehicle and roads are clogged or something like an EMP attack has rendered the big hunks of metal useless. Communicating during an emergency may be essential not only for survival, but to help locate loved ones and garner news about an unfolding scenario.
Read more about Communicating During A Disaster: Emergency Radios And Frequencies Guide
What Few Know About Tor Might Shock You
[Editor's Note: The following post is by TDV Editor-In-Chief, Jeff Berwick] Technology is constantly evolving. In ten years the internet will look nothing like it does today. Talk of a "darknet" and "clearnet" will become more pervasive as the free market develops ways around the undermined aspects of online privacy. In today's climate, it is more importnat than ever to be on your toes when it comes to protecting privacy.
Read more about What Few Know About Tor Might Shock You
Communicating During A Disaster: Emergency Radios And Frequencies Guide
By Tara Dodrill If your spouse and children are away from home when disaster strikes, would you be able to communicate with them and help guide them home? Many folks have become far to reliant upon cell phone and the Internet to communicate and reach loves ones quickly in our modern world. Purchasing at least one type of emergency communications device could help reunite and aid loves ones during either a short or long-term disaster. Cell phone signals and Internet access are typically the first “services” to cease operating during either a natural or man-made disaster, and landlines may not be far behind. The GPS gadgets so many people rely upon to get to point B from point A will not be helpful if they are built into your vehicle and roads are clogged or something like an EMP attack has rendered the big hunks of metal useless. Communicating during an emergency may be essential not only for survival, but to help locate loved ones and garner news about an unfolding scenario.
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Silent Projectile Weapons
I will admit that I like firearms. I like the look and feel and sound of them. I like shooting at paper targets. I like shooting at flying clay disks.
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Silent Projectile Weapons
I will admit that I like firearms. I like the look and feel and sound of them. I like shooting at paper targets. I like shooting at flying clay disks.
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Can Out-Of-Control Ebola Epidemic Hit America?
Since the first outbreak last February in the remote jungles of Guinea in West Africa, the terrible Ebola epidemic — the largest Ebola outbreak ever — had made the jump from West Africa’s jungles to the cities in the space of just two months. By April, the charity medical group Doctors Without Borders already declared the epidemic to be out of control. By now, the Ebola epidemic has taken the lives of more than 700 people in the 4 West African countries of Liberia, Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Nigeria. The latter, with a population of 17 million, is the most populous country in not just West Africa, but the African continent.
Read more about Can Out-Of-Control Ebola Epidemic Hit America?
Three Most Important Items For A New Prepper
If you ask five different preparedness folks this question, there is a high possibility you will get five different answers. There are many factors to incorporate into this equation such as the number of people you are preparing for, the region you live in, your skill level (first aid training, self defense, etc.), and last but not least… your budget. So I will not tell you that there is one-size fits all when it comes to preparedness. While there are basics you will need no matter what, the amounts and types will vary for each situation.
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Hacked Email from U.S. Army Attache in Ukraine Predicts False Flag Attacks
Hacked Email from U.S. Army Attache in Ukraine Predicts False Flag Attacks “When you are constantly moving forward, searching for the cutting edge, everyone behind you always believes you have gone too far. The further back from the cutting edge they are, the more extreme and, indeed, insane, you appear, to them, to be. In this way, one person’s “madness” can be another’s commonsense.” “The truth, always the truth–at all costs” I will strive to give you perspectives on the news that you will rarely receive from other sources.
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Hacked Email from U.S. Army Attache in Ukraine Predicts False Flag Attacks
Hacked Email from U.S. Army Attache in Ukraine Predicts False Flag Attacks “When you are constantly moving forward, searching for the cutting edge, everyone behind you always believes you have gone too far. The further back from the cutting edge they are, the more extreme and, indeed, insane, you appear, to them, to be. In this way, one person’s “madness” can be another’s commonsense.” “The truth, always the truth–at all costs” I will strive to give you perspectives on the news that you will rarely receive from other sources.
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Why the Fed Has Declared War on Your Money
Alexander Hamilton was America’s first Secretary of Treasury under President George Washington. When he first entered office in 1789, America was an agricultural nation of just 4 million still broke from its financially costly victory over the British Empire in the Revolutionary War. The states had accumulated relatively massive debts to finance that war, which mostly remained unpaid. The United States did not even have a national currency, with Spanish coins still in wide circulation and use. Steve Forbes explains in his recently published definitive work, Money: How the Destruction of the Dollar Threatens the Global Economy and What We Can Do About It, “America’s finances were in a state of disarray after the wild inflation resulting from massive money printing during the American Revolution.” As a result, “Hamilton faced the challenge of restoring the economy of the young republic that had been devastated by the Revolutionary War….” When money serves as a stable measure of value, it most clearly expresses the value of everything in terms of everything else.
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Common Symptoms And Signs Of Adrenal Fatigue – Is This You?
Adrenal fatigue is characterized by a constellation of symptoms that may occur when an individual’s adrenal glands are not functioning to their fullest potential. Do you know the symptoms? The adrenal glands are located just above the kidneys and produce over 50 hormones necessary to life. Adrenal fatigue syndrome is not recognized by mainstream doctors; however, alternative healthcare practitioners acknowledge the effects of adrenal fatigue and recognize this syndrome as a precursor to early adrenal insufficiency.
Read more about Common Symptoms And Signs Of Adrenal Fatigue – Is This You?
Huge Waves Measured For The First Time In Arctic Ocean
Hannah Hickey, University of Washington As the climate warms and sea ice retreats, the North is changing. An ice-covered expanse now has a season of increasingly open water that is predicted to extend across the whole Arctic Ocean before the middle of this century. Storms thus have the potential to create Arctic swell – huge waves that could add a new and unpredictable element to the region. A University of Washington researcher made the first study of waves in the middle of the Arctic Ocean, and detected house-sized waves during a September 2012 storm.
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Huge Waves Measured For The First Time In Arctic Ocean
Hannah Hickey, University of Washington As the climate warms and sea ice retreats, the North is changing. An ice-covered expanse now has a season of increasingly open water that is predicted to extend across the whole Arctic Ocean before the middle of this century. Storms thus have the potential to create Arctic swell – huge waves that could add a new and unpredictable element to the region. A University of Washington researcher made the first study of waves in the middle of the Arctic Ocean, and detected house-sized waves during a September 2012 storm.
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WikiLeaks Cables Reveal U.S. Gov't Planned To “Retaliate and Cause Pain” On Countries Refusing GMOs
by Arjun WaliaStudies that link Genetically Modified (GM) food to multiple human health ailments are not the only thing that has millions of people questioning the production of GM food. The fact that previously classified secret government documents show how the Bush administration developed ways to retaliate against countries that were refusing to use GM seeds is another.If documents regarding our food are required to be concealed from the public domain, something is not right, and it’s great to have an organization like WikiLeaks shed some light into the world that’s been hidden from us for so many years.Targeting Certain Countries The cables reveal that the State Department was lobbying all over the world for Monsanto, and other major biotech corporations. They reveal that American diplomats requested funding to send lobbyists for the biotech industry to meet with politicians and agricultural officials in “target countries.” These included countries in Africa, Latin America and some European countries. A non-profit consumer protection group called Food & Water Watch published a report showing the details of the partnership between the federal government and a number of biotech companies who have pushed their GMO products on multiple countries for a number of years.
Read more about WikiLeaks Cables Reveal U.S. Gov't Planned To “Retaliate and Cause Pain” On Countries Refusing GMOs
Why the Fed Has Declared War on Your Money
Alexander Hamilton was America’s first Secretary of Treasury under President George Washington. When he first entered office in 1789, America was an agricultural nation of just 4 million still broke from its financially costly victory over the British Empire in the Revolutionary War. The states had accumulated relatively massive debts to finance that war, which mostly remained unpaid. The United States did not even have a national currency, with Spanish coins still in wide circulation and use. Steve Forbes explains in his recently published definitive work, Money: How the Destruction of the Dollar Threatens the Global Economy and What We Can Do About It, “America’s finances were in a state of disarray after the wild inflation resulting from massive money printing during the American Revolution.” As a result, “Hamilton faced the challenge of restoring the economy of the young republic that had been devastated by the Revolutionary War….” When money serves as a stable measure of value, it most clearly expresses the value of everything in terms of everything else.
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WikiLeaks Cables Reveal U.S. Gov't Planned To “Retaliate and Cause Pain” On Countries Refusing GMOs
by Arjun WaliaStudies that link Genetically Modified (GM) food to multiple human health ailments are not the only thing that has millions of people questioning the production of GM food. The fact that previously classified secret government documents show how the Bush administration developed ways to retaliate against countries that were refusing to use GM seeds is another.If documents regarding our food are required to be concealed from the public domain, something is not right, and it’s great to have an organization like WikiLeaks shed some light into the world that’s been hidden from us for so many years.Targeting Certain Countries The cables reveal that the State Department was lobbying all over the world for Monsanto, and other major biotech corporations. They reveal that American diplomats requested funding to send lobbyists for the biotech industry to meet with politicians and agricultural officials in “target countries.” These included countries in Africa, Latin America and some European countries. A non-profit consumer protection group called Food & Water Watch published a report showing the details of the partnership between the federal government and a number of biotech companies who have pushed their GMO products on multiple countries for a number of years.
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40,000 Year Old Missing Piece Found For Ice Age Lion Sculpture
Archaeologists from the University of Tübingen have found an ancient fragment of ivory belonging to a 40,000 year old animal figurine. Both pieces were found in the Vogelherd Cave in southwestern Germany, which has yielded a number of remarkable works of art dating to the Ice Age. The fragment on the left makes up half the head of the animal figure on the right, showing that the “lion” was fully three-dimensional, and not a relief as long thought. Photo: Hilde Jensen, Universität Tübingen The mammoth ivory figurine depicting a lion was discovered during excavations in 1931.
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A 'Bomber Row' insider released in 2013 knows if an accomplice was with the OKC bomber, Tim McVeigh (Video)
A cell mate of Tim McVeigh released in 2013 may surface for trial. A lawsuit against the government in 2008 regarding a violation of FOIA claims that the FBI is refusing to release surveillance videos that may show that Tim McVeigh, the Oklahoma Federal Building bomber, did not act alone. The trial begins end of July thru Aug. Surprisingly, a man released from ADX "Administrative Supermax" in Colorado, James William Parrillo, served 19 years in 'Bomber Row' and shared about McVeigh in an hour long interview in February, 2013.
Read more about A 'Bomber Row' insider released in 2013 knows if an accomplice was with the OKC bomber, Tim McVeigh (Video)
Common Symptoms And Signs Of Adrenal Fatigue – Is This You?
Adrenal fatigue is characterized by a constellation of symptoms that may occur when an individual’s adrenal glands are not functioning to their fullest potential. Do you know the symptoms? The adrenal glands are located just above the kidneys and produce over 50 hormones necessary to life. Adrenal fatigue syndrome is not recognized by mainstream doctors; however, alternative healthcare practitioners acknowledge the effects of adrenal fatigue and recognize this syndrome as a precursor to early adrenal insufficiency.
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America’s Nazis in Kiev
http://neo.org America’s Nazis in Kiev: “Russians are Subhuman” Self-appointed prime minister of Ukraine, Arseny Yatsenyuk of the “Fatherland Party,” referred to Russians as “subhuman,” echoing the racist vitriol of Nazism Yatsenyuk and others in his regime subscribe to. It was a violent, armed coup spearheaded by Neo-Nazi militants that placed Yatsenyuk into power in the first place, along with the Neo-Nazi political front Svoboda, and paved way for fraudulent elections that predictably yielded a pro-US-EU client regime. Yatsenyuk made his comments amid ongoing fighting in the east of Ukraine, where Kiev is waging war upon fellow Ukrainians, shelling and bombing cities in provinces that refuse to recognize the regime’s seizure of power during late 2013 – early 2014. After a significant loss of life during one of Kiev’s many ill-conceived military operations, Yatsenyuk stated: They lost their lives because they defended men and women, children and the elderly who found themselves in a situation facing a threat to be killed by invaders and sponsored by them subhumans.
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Ebola – What You’re Not Being Told
from StormCloudsGathering Sources and full transcript: http://ift.tt/1n7emXo Follow us on Facebook: http://ift.tt/1e9evot us on Twitter: http://ift.tt/1m3IqCF: http://ift.tt/1q5zxkt weekly email updates: http://ift.tt/1tynFb0 Tweet
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Louisiana Woman Watching Gulf Of Mexico, It's People, Culture Die: 'End Game For All, Not Just Arabs'
A Gulf Coast advocate from New Orleans, activist Elizabeth Cook has sent a message about world events happening today. Cook is active on the StopOilDistaer list serve. She has watched the death of the Gulf and subsequent death and dying of the Gulf Coast culture. She sees the big picture, according to her statement released Thursday.
Read more about Louisiana Woman Watching Gulf Of Mexico, It's People, Culture Die: 'End Game For All, Not Just Arabs'
Is This The Deadliest Threat To Preppers?
If we ask 100 Preppers what their primary concerns are, their main reasons for Prepping in the first place, we could easily get 100 different answers. This is not surprising as there are, quite simply, a large number of potential threats that could result in “The End Of The World As We Know It” or “TEOTWAWKI”. Granted there are huge differences in likelihood or probability, but there is almost always some probability inherent in any of these. What has long surprised me is how few Preppers list biological threats, of any kind, in their lists. Personally, biological threats (naturally occurring or man-made) have always topped my list of threats.
Read more about Is This The Deadliest Threat To Preppers?
Louisiana Woman Watching Gulf Of Mexico, It's People, Culture Die: 'End Game For All, Not Just Arabs'
A Gulf Coast advocate from New Orleans, activist Elizabeth Cook has sent a message about world events happening tdoay. Cook is active on the StopOilDistaer list serve. She has watched the death of the Gulf and subsequent death and dying of the Gulf Coast culture. She sees the big picture, according to her statement released Thursday.
Read more about Louisiana Woman Watching Gulf Of Mexico, It's People, Culture Die: 'End Game For All, Not Just Arabs'
Former NSA Insider William Binney Says Intelligence Agencies Are Running Our Government (Video)
(N.Morgan) A former NSA insider has revealed who is truly running this country into the ground. William Binney alleges that the intelligence agencies are calling the shots for this land and the government has taken a back seat to them and their authority. These agencies are the ones who are seemingly controlling the fate of this country and our lives. In the video below, Alex Jones talks with William Binney about the growing corruption and power of the NSA and how they abuse their power behind the scenes to pull strings.
Read more about Former NSA Insider William Binney Says Intelligence Agencies Are Running Our Government (Video)
RULING BY DECREE While You Were Watching Israel: Obama's Executive Order for 5 Million People! (Video) Are We Hearing This?
While You Were Watching Israel: Obama's Executive Order for 5 Million People! July 31 2014 When the world isn't watching the rats come out to play and that is exactly what happened when Obama's executive action went against the will of the people and the process in place. Een as President Obama grapples with the crisis of immigrant children arriving at the Southwest border, White House officials are laying the groundwork for a large-scale expansion of immigrant rights that would come by executive action within weeks. Officials signaled strongly Friday that Obama's move would shield from deportation large numbers of immigrants living in the country illegally, as advocacy groups have demanded.
Read more about RULING BY DECREE While You Were Watching Israel: Obama's Executive Order for 5 Million People! (Video) Are We Hearing This?
Three Most Important Items For A New Prepper
If you ask five different preparedness folks this question, there is a high possibility you will get five different answers. There are many factors to incorporate into this equation such as the number of people you are preparing for, the region you live in, your skill level (first aid training, self defense, etc.), and last but not least… your budget. So I will not tell you that there is one-size fits all when it comes to preparedness. While there are basics you will need no matter what, the amounts and types will vary for each situation.
Read more about Three Most Important Items For A New Prepper
Is This The Deadliest Threat To Preppers?
If we ask 100 Preppers what their primary concerns are, their main reasons for Prepping in the first place, we could easily get 100 different answers. This is not surprising as there are, quite simply, a large number of potential threats that could result in “The End Of The World As We Know It” or “TEOTWAWKI”. Granted there are huge differences in likelihood or probability, but there is almost always some probability inherent in any of these. What has long surprised me is how few Preppers list biological threats, of any kind, in their lists. Personally, biological threats (naturally occurring or man-made) have always topped my list of threats.
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Former NSA Insider William Binney Says Intelligence Agencies Are Running Our Government (Video)
(N.Morgan) A former NSA insider has revealed who is truly running this country into the ground. William Binney alleges that the intelligence agencies are calling the shots for this land and the government has taken a back seat to them and their authority. These agencies are the ones who are seemingly controlling the fate of this country and our lives. In the video below, Alex Jones talks with William Binney about the growing corruption and power of the NSA and how they abuse their power behind the scenes to pull strings.
Read more about Former NSA Insider William Binney Says Intelligence Agencies Are Running Our Government (Video)
RULING BY DECREE While You Were Watching Israel: Obama's Executive Order for 5 Million People! (Video) Are We Hearing This?
While You Were Watching Israel: Obama's Executive Order for 5 Million People! July 31 2014 When the world isn't watching the rats come out to play and that is exactly what happened when Obama's executive action went against the will of the people and the process in place. Een as President Obama grapples with the crisis of immigrant children arriving at the Southwest border, White House officials are laying the groundwork for a large-scale expansion of immigrant rights that would come by executive action within weeks. Officials signaled strongly Friday that Obama's move would shield from deportation large numbers of immigrants living in the country illegally, as advocacy groups have demanded.
Read more about RULING BY DECREE While You Were Watching Israel: Obama's Executive Order for 5 Million People! (Video) Are We Hearing This?
Ukraine Executions by Einsatzgruppen - Nazi Dejavu
http://ift.tt/1mi25DM Pictures of Ukrainian fascists posing before executions of the victims began percolate into social networks. Members of Ukrainian National Guard - Einsatzgruppen (Mobile Killing Units) posing before burying alive one of the victims in 2014. ... and 70 years ago.
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5 Habits of the World’s Best Shooters
With the price of ammo increasing and shooting ranges becoming less available due to the expansion of our cities and increased restrictions, it’s becoming harder and harder to learn to shoot let alone become proficient or even expert. Proficiency requires hours of training, and to be an expert is a completely different can of worms. Both require hundreds of hours of practice and thousands of shots. Just try achieving pistol mastery in your midtown apartment and see what happens. As the world testers on the edge of destruction, prices go up, draughts, disease, riots, government collapse, and more, it’s extremely important to learn to shoot and to be comfortable with close quarters combat. To meet the ever increasing demand for pistol training, Next Level Training has developed the most accurate pistol analog on the market, the SIRT pistol: it is 100% safe, silent, accurate to the real thing in form, function, and weight, and since it fire lasers rather than bullets, it is cheaper than spending a couple grand on ammo. The SIRT pistol is no way a replacement for live fire training but coupled with the following training routines, you should have no problem maintaining your current skill sets and developing new ones. These drills are safe and doable even if you are not using a SIRT pistol they will keep you on the top of your shooting game. 1. All of the Best Shooters Are in Good Shape This does not mean that you have to be a triathlete or as big as a bull moose but it does mean that you need the physical strength and control to manage a firearm before, during and after the shot. Make this drill a habit and you’ll be steady as a rock in no time.
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Her Family Stopped Eating Sugar for A Year, and This is What Happened
by Eve O. Schaub via The Mind UnleashedOnce upon a time, I was healthy; at least I thought I was. Sure, I lacked enough energy to get me through the day, but with all the commercials on TV touting energy drinks for America’s tired masses, I always assumed I wasn’t the only one suffering. And sure, everyone in my family dreaded the coming cold and flu season, but again, I thought come January everyone develops some degree of germophobia.
Read more about Her Family Stopped Eating Sugar for A Year, and This is What Happened
5 Habits of the World’s Best Shooters
With the price of ammo increasing and shooting ranges becoming less available due to the expansion of our cities and increased restrictions, it’s becoming harder and harder to learn to shoot let alone become proficient or even expert. Proficiency requires hours of training, and to be an expert is a completely different can of worms. Both require hundreds of hours of practice and thousands of shots. Just try achieving pistol mastery in your midtown apartment and see what happens. As the world testers on the edge of destruction, prices go up, draughts, disease, riots, government collapse, and more, it’s extremely important to learn to shoot and to be comfortable with close quarters combat. To meet the ever increasing demand for pistol training, Next Level Training has developed the most accurate pistol analog on the market, the SIRT pistol: it is 100% safe, silent, accurate to the real thing in form, function, and weight, and since it fire lasers rather than bullets, it is cheaper than spending a couple grand on ammo. The SIRT pistol is no way a replacement for live fire training but coupled with the following training routines, you should have no problem maintaining your current skill sets and developing new ones. These drills are safe and doable even if you are not using a SIRT pistol they will keep you on the top of your shooting game. 1. All of the Best Shooters Are in Good Shape This does not mean that you have to be a triathlete or as big as a bull moose but it does mean that you need the physical strength and control to manage a firearm before, during and after the shot. Make this drill a habit and you’ll be steady as a rock in no time.
Read more about 5 Habits of the World’s Best Shooters
America Is Facing The Extinction Level Event Of 124 Simultaneous Fukushima Meltdowns!
This congressman has tried to warn the nation about the coming threat. The threat posed by a nuclear meltdown are catastrophic. What if the United States was facing 124 nuclear meltdowns, similar in scope to the meltdown at Fukushima, all at the same time? Lessons Learned From Fukushima Most aware Americans are cognizant of the fact that because of Fukushima, the fish of the earth are becoming inedible and the ocean currents as well as the prevailing ocean winds are carrying deadly radiation and the net effect is a lowering of life expectancy over the next generation.
Read more about America Is Facing The Extinction Level Event Of 124 Simultaneous Fukushima Meltdowns!
Shocking Monsanto/Ebola Connection - Monsanto And DOD Invest In Ebola Treatment Company As Ebola Outbreak May Already Be Uncontrollable!
While it probably should be no surprise to anyone that Monsanto has their hands where they shouldn't be, this shocking Monsanto/Ebola connection exposed by Mike Adams and NaturalNews.com will send shivers up your spine. As more confirmation that ebola is spreading out of control, Monsanto AND the Department of Defense are investing in an ebola drug treatment company as the world heads to a crisis that is the closest thing to a real-life zombie apocalypse according to Mike. Has ebola been weaponized and is now being unleashed upon America and the world as the elitists last ditch attempt to depopulate the planet? Why is Monsanto, a company that has been called 'the most evil corporation in the world', investing in an ebola treatment company?
Read more about Shocking Monsanto/Ebola Connection - Monsanto And DOD Invest In Ebola Treatment Company As Ebola Outbreak May Already Be Uncontrollable!
Don't Miss This! Nightmare in America Right Now: FEMA Quarantine of US Citizens and Global Transmission of Ebola Already Here?! (Life-Saving Video)
With anxiety increasing over the deadly Ebola virus, which has killed 670 people in West Africa, provisions are currently underway in the United States, where even healthy Americans will be subjected to mandatory quarantine in the event of an Ebola pandemic. Furthermore western governments are now issuing alerts to doctors across the nation to be on the lookout for symptoms of Ebola after an infected Liberian man was found traveling in a major airport hub in Nigeria. The video below dives into the real possibility of an Ebola outbreak and covers imperative details about what could happen in the U.S. in the event of this major pandemic......
Read more about Don't Miss This! Nightmare in America Right Now: FEMA Quarantine of US Citizens and Global Transmission of Ebola Already Here?! (Life-Saving Video)
America Is Facing The Extinction Level Event Of 124 Simultaneous Fukushima Meltdowns!
This congressman has tried to warn the nation about the coming threat. The threat posed by a nuclear meltdown are catastrophic. What if the United States was facing 124 nuclear meltdowns, similar in scope to the meltdown at Fukushima, all at the same time? Lessons Learned From Fukushima Most aware Americans are cognizant of the fact that because of Fukushima, the fish of the earth are becoming inedible and the ocean currents as well as the prevailing ocean winds are carrying deadly radiation and the net effect is a lowering of life expectancy over the next generation.
Read more about America Is Facing The Extinction Level Event Of 124 Simultaneous Fukushima Meltdowns!
Shocking Monsanto/Ebola Connection - Monsanto And DOD Invest In Ebola Treatment Company As Ebola Outbreak May Already Be Uncontrollable!
While it probably should be no surprise to anyone that Monsanto has their hands where they shouldn't be, this shocking Monsanto/Ebola connection exposed by Mike Adams and NaturalNews.com will send shivers up your spine. As more confirmation that ebola is spreading out of control, Monsanto AND the Department of Defense are investing in an ebola drug treatment company as the world heads to a crisis that is the closest thing to a real-life zombie apocalypse according to Mike. Has ebola been weaponized and is now being unleashed upon America and the world as the elitists last ditch attempt to depopulate the planet? Why is Monsanto, a company that has been called 'the most evil corporation in the world', investing in an ebola treatment company?
Read more about Shocking Monsanto/Ebola Connection - Monsanto And DOD Invest In Ebola Treatment Company As Ebola Outbreak May Already Be Uncontrollable!
All Hell Is Breaking Loose!! Is It Too Late To Stop A Nuclear WW3?
By Susan Duclos Is war with Russia inevitable? We're going to discuss a variety of articles which show planned, organized actions on the parts of a variety of countries, which can only be explained as a deliberate attempt to create conditions which will end in catastrophe on a global scale because the actors involved are nuclear powers. Starting with a must-read Global Research pieces, we see that "three most influential mass circulation newsmagazines of the United States, Britain, and Germany—Time, The Economist, and Der Spiegel—have published cover stories that combine wild accusations against Vladimir Putin with demands for a showdown with Russia." Incendiary language, unproven accusations and claims that are backed up with no evidence, amounting to nothing more than propaganda generated in order to garner public support for a war against Russia. Via that Global Research piece: What is the Russian president to make of the use of this sort of language in the most influential newsmagazines?
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The Agenda To End All Agendas: New World Order - We Are Approaching The Most Dangerous Time In History (Video)
(N.Morgan) As our world is going down in flames, the economy is failing, our political system is collapsing and at the end of it, is the basic agenda is making us slaves. The oppression they wish to impose on us is so severe that freedom will be a lost and fond memory. They want it all and they want us at their feet, begging for any morsel of food, water, or any of the necessities for life. The regime is going full force and pushing these agendas to the hilt.
Read more about The Agenda To End All Agendas: New World Order - We Are Approaching The Most Dangerous Time In History (Video)
The Agenda To End All Agendas: New World Order - We Are Approaching The Most Dangerous Time In History (Video)
(N.Morgan) As our world is going down in flames, the economy is failing, our political system is collapsing and at the end of it, is the basic agenda is making us slaves. The oppression they wish to impose on us is so severe that freedom will be a lost and fond memory. They want it all and they want us at their feet, begging for any morsel of food, water, or any of the necessities for life. The regime is going full force and pushing these agendas to the hilt.
Read more about The Agenda To End All Agendas: New World Order - We Are Approaching The Most Dangerous Time In History (Video)
Full-Blown Martial Law Coming Very Soon! Hawk On The Hagmann And Hagmann Report
Hawk joins the Hagmann and Hagmann Report in this newly released video report that begins with a little lesson in censored US history dating back 100 years to put today's events in proper context before taking a turn to current day events including what they believe is full-blown martial law coming to America very soon. Hawk joins in after the 4 minute mark while at the 31 minute mark, the conversation turns HOT with current day events including martial law coming soon to America due to either a power grid collapse, a pandemic outbreak (with ebola being mentioned widely recently) and economic collapse once the dollar loses status as the world's reserve currency. Sign up for Live Free or Die and Susan Duclos' News Letter for all of our latest Before It's News stories delivered once a day!
Read more about Full-Blown Martial Law Coming Very Soon! Hawk On The Hagmann And Hagmann Report
All Hell Is Breaking Loose!! Is It Too Late To Stop A Nuclear WW3?
By Susan Duclos Is war with Russia inevitable? We're going to discuss a variety of articles which show planned, organized actions on the parts of a variety of countries, which can only be explained as a deliberate attempt to create conditions which will end in catastrophe on a global scale because the actors involved are nuclear powers. Starting with a must-read Global Research pieces, we see that "three most influential mass circulation newsmagazines of the United States, Britain, and Germany—Time, The Economist, and Der Spiegel—have published cover stories that combine wild accusations against Vladimir Putin with demands for a showdown with Russia." Incendiary language, unproven accusations and claims that are backed up with no evidence, amounting to nothing more than propaganda generated in order to garner public support for a war against Russia. Via that Global Research piece: What is the Russian president to make of the use of this sort of language in the most influential newsmagazines?
Read more about All Hell Is Breaking Loose!! Is It Too Late To Stop A Nuclear WW3?
The Black Knight, A 13000 Year Old Alien Satellite Sent to Protect Mankind?
The discovery of the Black Knight Satellite is perhaps one of the most (in)famous space objects to orbit our Planet. This “Artificial Satellite” has caused mayor media interest since the late 50′s, and it has become one of the most talked about objects in space. First thought to be an Russian spy satellite, the Black Knight has gripped the interest of millions worldwide. According to monitoring agencies around the world, The Black knight has been transmitting radio signals for over 50 years now.
Read more about The Black Knight, A 13000 Year Old Alien Satellite Sent to Protect Mankind?
Full-Blown Martial Law Coming Very Soon! Hawk On The Hagmann And Hagmann Report
Hawk joins the Hagmann and Hagmann Report in this newly released video report that begins with a little lesson in censored US history dating back 100 years to put today's events in proper context before taking a turn to current day events including what Hawk believes is full-blown martial law coming to America very soon. Hawk joins in after the 4 minute mark while at the 31 minute mark, the conversation turns HOT with current day events including martial law coming soon to America due to either a power grid collapse, a pandemic outbreak (with ebola being mentioned widely recently) and economic collapse once the dollar loses status as the world's reserve currency. Sign up for Live Free or Die and Susan Duclos' News Letter for all of our latest Before It's News stories delivered once a day!
Read more about Full-Blown Martial Law Coming Very Soon! Hawk On The Hagmann And Hagmann Report
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