Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Perfect Storm Approaches

This post The Perfect Storm Approaches appeared first on Daily Reckoning. Over the coming months, I believe we could see an economic meltdown at least six times the size of the 2007 subprime mortgage meltdown. Circumstances lead me to believe it could play out like the meltdown I experienced in 1998 after Long-Term Capital Management (LTCM) failed. This time, however, there will be several crucial differences that will leave investors and regulators unprepared. In fact, last week, I held a live intelligence briefing called The Perfect Storm: A 1998 Redux to alert Strategic Intelligence readers to the dangers. But what I didn’t mention during the briefing were the two intelligence triggers I used to support my outlook. I also didn’t share the investment idea that my top investment analyst and I have identified to help you profit from them. We’ve reserved that for the beta testers of one of my new elite services called Jim Rickards’ Intelligence Triggers. I’ll explain how you can access those bi-weekly alerts in a moment, but first, let me share a little background about why I believe market intelligence confirms this threat… To understand what market outcome is likely, we start with something we know and extrapolate from it. I believe we could see an economic meltdown at least six times the size of the 2007 subprime mortgage meltdown In the national defense community, military commanders are known for fighting the last war. They study their prior failures in preparation for the next conflict.

Read more about The Perfect Storm Approaches

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