Sunday, December 7, 2014

Series of Powerful Storms Set To Hit The West Coast of the United States

A powerful set of storms not seen but once every 3-5 years will hit the Western United States, centering Northern California and Western Washington and Oregon on the 10th and 11th of this month, as predicted here at in earlier articles about California getting a lot of storms this month so read on for those details. If you are in the San Francisco, Sacramento, Northern California, Western Oregon and Washington zones, you are in a high risk flood potential on a series of storms that will impact the area this week. The first storm will hit Western Washington and Oregon on Monday and Tuesday followed by another on Wednesday as the storms keep piling into the region. This secondary storm will push a strong tropical moisture connection into Northern California on Wednesday night through Thursday, owning to very heavy rainfall for the area.

Series of Powerful Storms Set To Hit The West Coast of the United StatesRead more about Series of Powerful Storms Set To Hit The West Coast of the United States

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