Melissa Melton & Aaron DykesActivist PostWe have finally reached the moment where Orwell's nightmare in 1984 meets the movie Minority Report. We're living there right now.Did you know that any time a police officer pulls you over or responds to your 9-1-1 call, he or she is using a pre-crime algorithm which assigns you a color-coded threat score based not just on your criminal background but on everything including "flagged" purchases and all your social media posts which may include any comments that may be construed as "offensive?"The officer will receive your color coding — red, yellow or green — before he or she ever even sees you based on factors you are not allowed to see or question. Guilty until proven innocent just got thrown completely out the window. Welcome to the modern era of big data and thought crime in Police State, U.S.A.And still, astoundingly, we have people saying "Well, I haven't done anything wrong, so I don't have anything to worry about." Melissa Melton and Aaron Dykes operate
Read more about Police Pre-Crime Algorithm Uses Social Media Posts Against You in Real-Time
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