Saturday, December 13, 2014

Michael Savage: Charge Feinstein with Treason

Michael Savage Exclusive: Kathy Shaidle recaps hottest discussions in America Kathy Shaidle / WND Michael Savage Savage advised the nation’s police officers to “call in sick the next time there’s a riot.” He said law enforcement was being “picked on by [Obama's] racist administration,” which he accused of siding with violent protesters angry about two recent grand jury decisions. “Only when the rioters run up the hills of Berkeley,” Savage said, “and invade the homes of the white liberal professors who are egging them on will you see societal change for the better” (Free audio). Later in the week, Savage questioned the timing of the release of a report detailing CIA interrogation techniques that many critics describe as torture. “There is no justification whatsoever for releasing the CIA torture report at a time when ISIS is on the rise,” he said, singling out Sen.

Michael Savage: Charge Feinstein with TreasonRead more about Michael Savage: Charge Feinstein with Treason

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