Friday, December 19, 2014

Banks Can Now CONFISCATE 80% of Your BANK DEPOSITS! Find Out the Most Vulnerable Bank ...

"So, you are going to have to save yourselves, and the way you are going to have to do it is by bailing in the money of your creditors. The largest class of creditors of any bank is the depositors.” "[T]he biggest failure the FDIC has handled was Washington Mutual in 2008. And while that was plenty big with $307 billion in assets, it was a small fry compared with the $2.5 trillion in assets today at JPMorgan Chase, the $2.2 trillion at Bank of America or the $1.9 trillion at Citigroup. There was no possibility that the FDIC could take on the rescue of a Citigroup or Bank of America when the full-fledged financial crisis broke in the fall of that year and threatened the solvency of even the biggest banks." That was, in fact, the reason the US Treasury and the Federal Reserve had to step in to bail out the banks: the FDIC wasn’t up to the task.

Read more about Banks Can Now CONFISCATE 80% of Your BANK DEPOSITS! Find Out the Most Vulnerable Bank ...

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