Wednesday, November 12, 2014

USS America Still Adrift Even Though Republicans Outnumber Democrats

The Good Ship America, drifting far out to sea for six long years without oars, is almost out of sight,Obama's Executive Amnesty for Illegal Aliens Judi McLeod / Canada Free Press Just like a Barbary pirate, Barack Hussein Obama will continue plundering all that is good in America even with the Republicans now outnumbering the Democrats in most American ports of call. Obama and his minions have much in common with the Barbary pirates, who morphed all the way from the 16th century as bearded and ear-ringed cut-throats into the business suits of the present day, and whose riches down to the last poor man’s penny came from the pillage and plunder of that which was never theirs. The main purpose of the attacks of the Barbary pirates, also known as Barbary corsairs, was to capture Christian slaves for the evil Ottoman slave trade as well as the general Muslim market of human beings in both North America and the Middle East. There were no YouTubes to send their beheadings across the Internet in their day, but from the 16th to 19th century, corsairs captured an estimated 800,000 to 1.25 million people as slaves.

USS America Still Adrift Even Though Republicans Outnumber DemocratsRead more about USS America Still Adrift Even Though Republicans Outnumber Democrats

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