Friday, November 28, 2014

Black Friday or Dawn of the Dead: What Is the Difference?

Remember that George Romero movie from the late 1970s? Dawn of the Dead? Everything about this year’s Black Friday is even more gag-inducing than previous years. Maybe it’s just me, or maybe it’s because people do not realize how dire things really are here in America, but the fact that people continue to act like a bunch of mindless zombie sheep who would last out at each other over blu ray players and blenders makes me weep for humanity. Oh, apparently it isn’t even Black Friday anymore. They’ve stretched it out into a four-day event: (Photo: Kev Baker, Facebook) Did you know the top .01% of Americans now own as much as the bottom 90%?

Black Friday or Dawn of the Dead: What Is the Difference?Read more about Black Friday or Dawn of the Dead: What Is the Difference?

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