By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine There are multiple reports out that King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia has issued a warning that jihadists will be attacking both Europe and America within the next two months. Mix that with the latest threats against Washington DC and Chicago, discussed in the second video below of a WGN investigative report over the possible upcoming attacks and the feds warning of an imminet border attack, Chuck Hagel saying there is an imminent threat, Senators Warning of America in flames, along with Jim Garrow's warnings, and we have the perfect storm coming right at us. What kind of attack is coming at us? Well, the most recent release of information shows us that the ISIS laptop of doom had documents showing how to weaponize the plague, we know jihadists have been attempting to get ahold of the Ebola virus to become Ebola bombs, we have some mysterious illness targeting children in Kansas City and talk of suicide bombers going after Charlotte, North Carolina's largest mall...
Read more about King Warns US To Be Hit - Chicago In Flames? Washington DC?
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