James Lewis / American Thinker The bloody-handed butchers of ISIS behave like the worst Islamofascist gang we have seen so far -- worse than the Taliban, worse than Hamas and Hezb’allah, worse than Al Nusra, worse than the Muslim Brotherhood, worse than all the little maniac gangs of cutthroats who have been practicing Jihad on innocent men, women and children for decades. In addition to which, ISIS has better PR, spreading its graphic images of human butchery of Christians, Yazidis, and Shi’ites, and other “infidels” around the world with amazing speed. On top of that, ISIS has engaged in Blitzkrieg warfare, overwhelming the defenses of Mosul, capturing and then retreating from the Mosul dam, stealing oil from Iraqi fields to pay for their depravities, grabbing half a billion dollars from a Mosul bank, and crossing the border back to Syria, using American tanks and artillery stolen from the pathetic Iraqi Army, launching sophisticated drones for recon, and now capturing the Syrian Tabqa airbase that potentially controls access to the Mediterranean. What’s wrong with this picture?
Read more about Does ISIS Have Black-Op Backers?
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