Sunday, June 1, 2014

Everything will eventually be fully exposed_ Preston James, Ph.D

9/11 & Israeli Apartheid, The Kiss of Death for World Zionism | Veterans TodayEverything will eventually be fully exposed, everything and that includes all the NSA’s massive crimes against the American People. It is known by some Intel insiders that sometime in the future, many if not most of the NSA wiretaps, raw data and “evidence” which has all been recorded and stockpiled will be released on the worldwide internet for all to view and listen to. This will prove that the NSA had raw data evidencing all Viet Nam related USG/CIA drug trafficking, proof that the NSA knew where almost every American POW/MIA has been and which ones are still in captivity, how Kissinger ordered the US Army and Navy to assassinate as many American POWs and MIAs as possible using mercenary or special ops sniper teams and eventually VX poison gas dispensed by carrier based aircraft (admitted by Admiral Moorer–known as “Operation Tailwind”). This will show the complicity of the NSA in all political assassinations including JFK, MLK, RFK and Malcolm X as accessories after the fact covering it up as well as having pre-knowledge but doing nothing.

Read more about Everything will eventually be fully exposed_ Preston James, Ph.D

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