Two years after Roswell, a space craft landed approximately in 1949,( 20 years before the Star wars movies)near the four corners monument area and told the Apache Leaders and probably other tribal leaders the complete story of our Galaxy. In these tales were the story of our planets and how they were each populated and then their destruction and how Earth was moved to where it is now, some 2 million years ago. Complete recordings were made by the Native American people and the names that were given are the same names given in the Sumerian tablets and found in every culture of this planet, plus a lot more. It tells of the SSST (Sith in the movies) warriors and gives great detail in the book with art work (Terra, by Robert Morning Star) which I have posted his three hour seminar for you to review and make sure you watch the whole video as there is important information even near the end, which if true explains every aspect of our planet.
Read more about The History of the Galaxy as told by the Star people, which are the Origin of the (STAR WARS) Saga.
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