Sunday, June 1, 2014

Arthritis Cure Found in Nature!

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Arthritis Cure Found in Nature!


Boron - natural cure for arthritis


By Dr. Michelle Kmiec


Guest Writer for Wake Up World


Did you know that there is a direct correlation between the incidence of arthritis and the presence of trace mineral boron in the body? Research regarding the trace mineral boron and its connection to arthritis is finally starting to see the light of day!


In a startling discovery, research conducted by Prof. Roger Wyburn-Mason (MD, PhD) identified an amoebae that parasitizes (infests) the joints of those people with rheumatoid arthritis. “In 1975, at the IXth International Chemotherapy Congress in London, England, the late (1983) Roger Wybum-Mason (M.D., M.R.C.P., B. Chir., M.A., Ph.D.) astounded the medical world, announcing that he had found a new protozoon as the cause of Rheumatoid Disease.”


Continuing with Prof. Wyburn-Mason’s work was Dr. Rex E. Newnham (PhD, DO and ND), an osteopathic doctor and naturopath, and author of “Beating Arthritis and Beating Osteoporosis”. What he found was amazing…


Boron killed the amoebae that Prof. Wyburn-Mason had identified!


Dr. Newnham also found quite a bit of evidence relating the correlation of boron concentration in certain geographical areas and the development of not just rheumatoid arthritis, but conmmon arthritis as well. He found that in certain areas of Australia, where drinking water contained high levels of boron, there were no incidence of arthritis in humans and animals!


Incidence of Arthritis Depended Upon Boron





Previous articles by Dr. Michelle:

The Sun & Skin Cancer: Examining the Truths, Pseudo-Truths & Lies of Mainstream Science
“Blame It On Your Genes”: the Money-Making Myth of Modern Medicine
Just Because Science Can’t Prove It Doesn’t Mean It’s “Pseudoscience”
Scientists Under Attack — Árpád Pusztai, a GMO Whistleblowing Hero!
A Natural Cure for Migraines
Exposed: Monsanto’s Mission To Pharmaceutically “Enhance” GMO Foods
Dogma and misinformation: a Fatal Mixture in Healthcare
Vitamin B12 Deficiency is a Major Health Concern: Here’s Why!
Natural Cure for Chronic Pain Syndromes Silenced by the Medical Establishment
Can Cantaloupes Help Prevent Cancer?
Illness vs. Industry: Will Scientists Ever Find a “Cure” for Cancer?
Antipsychotics for ADHD? There is Something Wrong with Our Medical Establishment


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