Tuesday, April 8, 2014

GeoEngineering: Global Water Vapor Generation Revealed - Connected To 2013-2014 Extreme Weather

By Susan Duclos In the video below from WeatherWar101, an excellent explanation and visual evidence is provided, proving that geoengineering is not only real, but can be connected to the extremes in the weather that has been seen during 2013-2014. Watching the evidence of how this water vapor generation, one has to wonder why so many do not seem to understand the implications of weather warfare and the manipulation of data, by using this geoengineering to control the weather, then using the data to supposedly "prove" whatever point the government is trying to prove at that time. Via the video details: So, here's another irrefutable example of exactly where the Artificial Water Vapor Generation that dropped deluges, blizzards, and tornados all across the country last week came from. As always, I can prove this with any storm on Earth -- provided I have sufficient radar / satellite data.

GeoEngineering: Global Water Vapor Generation Revealed - Connected To 2013-2014 Extreme WeatherRead more about GeoEngineering: Global Water Vapor Generation Revealed - Connected To 2013-2014 Extreme Weather

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