Presstv For at least the past 50 years, the American people have been fed a steady diet of lies. Coups, false flags, political assassinations, mind control, government corruption, Orwellian surveillance, psychopaths in power, bankster dictatorship, military-industrial complex dominance and the rise of the New World Order – all of these realities have been carefully hidden from the American people and the other citizens of the West. But during the past decade, a significant fraction of the public has begun to wake up, thanks to the rise of the internet-based alternative media. Outlets like Press TV, Veterans Today, Russia Today, WhatReallyHappened, Rense, Infowars, WhoWhatWhy, GlobalResearch, and Counterpunch provide facts and perspectives that are taboo in the corporate mainstream.
Read more about Panicking US Government Targeting Alternative Media
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