By Major Van Harl USAF Ret AmmoLand Gun News Wisconsin --( In the US Navy if you are the ship’s captain and you allow your vessel to run aground or plow into another ship, that is the kiss of death to your naval career. But this rule actually only applies to surface warfare ships, meaning the ones that float on the top of the water. When it comes to submarines it would appear the no physical contact between a US sub and the other guy’s sub is not strictly enforced. In fact it has been an un-official practice ever since we have had a submarine branch of our Navy, if you can sneak up on your opponent and dent his sub first, you could get promoted. Sort of like the modern equivalent of the old Native American practice of counting coupe on his enemy in battle. Touching, (even physically beating) and humiliating your enemy on the battlefield without actually killing them. No bloodshed, therefore no foul and no honor for your enemy.
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