Saturday, February 1, 2014

SUPER BOWL SETUP! TSA and WORLD GOVT's to BLAME ISRAEL if Something Happens! Illuminati Planned it Perfectly! (Video)

TSA AND WORLD GOVT'S SET TO "BLAME ISRAEL" IF SOMETHING HAPPENS AT THE SUPER BOWL February 01 2014 What a PERFECT setup for the Illuminati and anti-Semitics! They can get the world to hate Israel (in some cases: even more) and possible start WW3 all at the same time if something goes wrong at the Bowl and/or the Sochi Games! The Super Bowl has planned for VIPER Teams (Visible Intermodol Prevention and Response) to violate our rights and to submit blindly to authority one the way there, mass transit or not, on the way back at at every entrance and exit. How is Israel being the sole security in place for this event?

Read more about SUPER BOWL SETUP! TSA and WORLD GOVT's to BLAME ISRAEL if Something Happens! Illuminati Planned it Perfectly! (Video)

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