Russian bikers take lead at block posts in Crimea. Pic here of commander of post blocking east-west highway. #ukraine — Alan Cullison (@AlanCullison) February 28, 2014 Excerpted from ABC News: While a group of camouflaged, armed militiamen patrolled Crimea’s main airport today, there was a second gang of tough-looking men who showed up to join the pro-Russia side to take control of this mostly Russian enclave of southern Ukraine. The tattooed and bejewelled crew was decked out in leather, black jeans and heavy boots, with patches of a wolf and flame stitched onto their vests. They were the Russian biker gang, the “Night Wolves.” They’ve modeled themselves on the Hell’s Angels, and President Putin has been known to don a leather jacket and ride with them. Its president, Hirurg, had just landed from Moscow and the local Simferopol chapter was there to pick him up (alas, in a car, not on Harleys).
Read more about Russia’s Hells Angels Join Crimea Invasion
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