Saturday, February 1, 2014

5 Reasons Why I’ll Never Get a Flu Shot

Daisy Luther/TruthTheory If you’re looking for a deeply scientific treatise on the flu shot, this isn’t it. I’m not a chemist, a physician or someone with an advanced degree in biology. I’m just a mom with an Internet connection. I’m a person who has researched and compiled an assortment of worrisome facts that point in one direction: the flu shot is NOT beneficial. Some of these reasons are backed up by science, and others are an acceptance of that little voice of reason whispering “Something just isn’t right about this.” As a reader, you are welcome to take my personal instinct with a grain of salt. I strongly encourage you to do your own independent research and come to your own conclusions.

Read more about 5 Reasons Why I’ll Never Get a Flu Shot

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