James Madden * Counterpunch.com Berkeley, California In my previous three articles to this site, I have challenged CounterPunchers to consider abandoning the United States, to become vegetarians, and to doubt the effectiveness of traditional protest methods. Now I am writing to convince you – my fellow anti-war, peace-loving progressives – to support an immediate, preemptive strike against an enemy that is rapidly amassing strength and has plans for an immense assault. Evidence of our enemy’s evil intentions has been mounting over the past five years: fabricated tales of dodging bullets in hostile territory in a shameless showcase of non-existent bravery; a massive, expensive (and ultimately failed) attempt to seize power; threats against sovereign nations with nuclear attack and total obliteration; open and delighted celebration of the overthrow and violent death of a foreign leader. To this list of heinous behaviors I can now add the latest insidious indicator of the enemy’s plot: bumper stickers.
Read more about The Hillary Threat - Are You Ready?
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