Thursday, October 31, 2013
Noam Chomsky: ‘I Have No Opinion’ On Building 7
Obama’s disturbing poem on man-boy relationship
Off the Grid Typically in ALternate Communities. Video

Danger For The West As China Makes Global Chess Moves
ObamaCare and Cancer a Deadly Combination
The Right to Bear Arms: A Biblical and Historical View
ObamaCare and Cancer a Deadly Combination

Russia Conducts Large-Scale Nuclear Attack Surprise Drill
De-Crowning The Dollar, And The ‘Collapse’ Ahead
Radio - Become a Ham, Part 7
The Right to Bear Arms: A Biblical and Historical View

Israel's President Announces Secret Weapon World Has Not Seen. Video
When Will the Economy Collapse?
The War On Ammo
The War On Ammo

The War On Ammo

Is the shutdown of the last US smelter part of a multi-pronged attack on ammunition?
David Knight
October 31, 2013
Most gun control advocates still cloak their true intentions behind opposition to “assault rifles”. But some are coming out of the closet, explicitly or tacitly admitting that their goal is a full ban on private arms. Gen McChrystal said in Jan 2013, “I think serious action is necessary. Sometimes we talk about very limited actions on the edges and I just don’t think that’s enough,” he said. Translation: we’ve been infringing on the Second Amendment, now we need to get serious and ban arms.
And as McChrystal worked the talk show circuit, he didn’t just talk about vaguely defined “assault rifles” but focused repeatedly on how the dangerous full metal bullets used by the military shouldn’t be in private hands. The reality is that while full metal jacket bullets may have better penetration of bulletproof jackets, hollow point bullets are designed to do far more damage to the human body. So much more damaging that hollow points are banned by Geneva Convention from use by the military against enemy combatants. Yet, hollow points are what governments use against their own citizens and what Homeland Security is hoarding by the billions.
Gun control organizations are turning their attention to ammunition instead of specific guns. When we encountered the 4 or 5 protestors from “Moms Demand Action” in San Antonio, their organization’s national flyer called for
- tracking the sale of large quantities of ammunition and banning online sales
- background checks for all gun and ammunition purchases
- establish product safety oversight of guns and ammunition
- banning of assault weapons and ammunition magazines of more than 10 rounds
continue article at
UFO 2013 Strange Sounds Trumpets Video
Bombshell Report: Obama Impeachment Hearing Scheduled For January
Breaking: Why Would Israel Attack Syria On a Day of Encouragment? Video
93,000,000 May Lose Healthcare
Your Support for 11/19 March on Washington is Solicited

Radio - Become a Ham, Part 7

Israel Attacks Syria In Unexpected Strike On Missile Cache

KY Hospital Orders Diversity Training For Staff Over Barack Obama Halloween Costume

BREAKING NEWS: Israel Attacks Syria In Unexpected Strike On Missile Cache
93,000,000 May Lose Healthcare

'Obama' Wears Straight Jacket, Crowd Goes Insane
X22Report The Economic Recovery Has Now Been Exposed As Nothing But Propaganda -- Episode 203
Barack Obama’s DHS Advisor Mohamed Elibiary: “America Is An Islamic Country”
Illuminati's Secrets In Plain Sight, Historical, Scientific And Biblical Evidence (Video)
DHS Prepared For Nov 1 Riots - FOX News Video
BREAKING NEWS: UFO Fleet Filmed Over Downtown Area 2013
Obama Admin 'Doing The Work Of Satan'
Obama Admin 'Doing The Work Of Satan'
Pro-lifers, 'Exorcist' author blast Obamacare for abortion agenda's 'total devaluation of human life'
A top executive for America’s leading pro-life organization, the American Life League, says the Obama administration is “doing the work of Satan” through its abortion and abortifacient mandates.
The conclusion comes from Jim Sedlak, vice president of the pro-life group that faithfully follows Catholic teaching and opposes not only abortion but other death-related agendas such as euthanasia.
Sedlak’s comments came only a day after the Washington Post quoted “Exorcist” author William Peter Blatty calling a graphic abortion procedure “demonic.”
At virtually the same time, Obama’s Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius was waffling in testimony before Congress on whether health care insurance policies would be available under Obamacare that allow religious believers to opt out of funding abortion.
“We have always described the work of Planned Parenthood as Satanic,” Sedlak told WND on the issue of abortion and Blatty’s reference.
“If you look around the country, if Satan were to establish an organization today, what organization would be most like that one,” he said. “The answer is Planned Parenthood, which does the work of Satan with its attacks on our young people … with sexual sin.”
It also promotes the “total devaluation of human life,” he said.
“We frequently refer to those that are radical pro-abortion as doing the work of Satan,” he said.
Yes, there really is a devil. Discover the arguments in “Spiritual Warfare,”
“In this regard, certainly the [Obama] administration is doing the work of Satan.”
Blatty’s comment came during a conversation about his petition to the pope to instruct Georgetown University to follow the teachings of its founder, the Roman Catholic church, or lose it’s Catholic identity.
According to the Washington Post, Blatty said the last straw for him regarding Georgetown was its invitation to Sebelius, who was radically pro-abortion even when she was the governor of Kansas, to speak at commencement.
“Sebelius has a record of supporting abortion rights, and abortion is the issue that really sets Blatty’s nerves on fire,” the newspaper said. “He describes, his voice trembling, a particular abortion procedure in graphic detail. He pauses. His voice is nearly a whisper. ‘That’s demonic.’”
A counsel to Blatty explained to WND that the graphic abortion procedure was partial birth abortion, often done by Sebelius’ friends in the abortion industry. In the process, the live baby’s body is delivered, but before the head emerges, the skull is crushed and the brains vacuumed out.
Reposted with permission.
Yes, the rule of law needs to be reinstituted, but how will we do that without anyone to enforce it. The cult consists of the government including appointed judges, financial institutions of all kinds, financial regulators and law societies, mainstream media, the police and RCMP,and the lawyers. There cannot possible be a single court room lawyer who doesn't realize the rule of law no longer exists in court houses. The world cannot be expected to take on the burden of the US governments debts. Someone always has to pay the piper. Deadbeats are not appreciated in the world of high finance and that is just what the US has become.
Barack Obama’s DHS Advisor Mohamed Elibiary: “America Is An Islamic Country”

Horrific Video Shows Saudi Husband Beating Asian Man With A Belt 'Because He Dared Speak To His Wife'
Virginia man loses his family and then his life thanks to the swift justice of the local police department
Obama Admin 'Doing The Work Of Satan'

US taxpayers beware: when this number reaches +50% you better be prepared (it’s at 47% now)
US official confirms Israel struck Syrian airbase
Open Mosque Day in Southern California

OUTRAGEOUS: Veterans Receiving Letters Prohibiting The Purchase, Possession, Receipt, Or Transport Of A Firearm/Ammunition…