By: Diane Sori / The Patriot Factor / RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on CPR Worldwide Media “If I were in position to be commander-in-chief I would take nothing off the table. I would firmly say to the American people that I will do whatever it takes to make sure that no American’s son or daughter… will ever have to deal with the kind of horror we’ve seen on these kinds of videos.” – Wisconsin Governor and possible 2016 Republican nominee Scott Walker Scott Walker, trying to keep the conversation on the issues at hand, added these words last Saturday at a meeting of the National Governors Association after being asked once again if he believed that Barack HUSSEIN Obama is a Christian. “I don’t know,” Walker said in his comments that came just a week after he refused to comment on former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s (rightfully) said comment that Obama does NOT love America. And while I give kudos to Governor Walker for at least questioning Obama’s faith in that he said he doesn’t know, the fact remains that Obama himself has proven time and time again that he is NO Christian NOT just in his policies that show where his true allegiances lie, but also show where his faith and his heart truly lie…and it’s NOT with Christianity Let’s start with the fact that this man was raised muslim in Indonesia…the world’s most populous muslim country…attended muslim schools (madras) in Indonesia where he was registered as a muslim, and said when he first ran for president that the muslim call to prayer is “one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset.” And let’s also NOT forget that NO church here in America has any record of him ever converting to Christianity from the muslim faith he was raised in…NO church…NOT even Reverend Wright’s ‘G-D America’ church…the church he supposedly attended for over 20 years. And dare we NOT forget Obama’s ‘slip’ on national television when he said, “You’re absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my muslim faith and you’re absolutely right that that has not…” and George Stephanopoulos quickly interrupted him and said you mean, “your Christian faith”…to which Obama corrected himself and said “I mean my Christian faith.” Nope…he got it right the first time…it’s his muslim faith. So the man who hosts official Ramadan dinners in the state dining room at the White House…bows to muslim leaders and muslim heads of state…keeps saying the words ‘holy qur’an’ but NEVER ‘Holy Bible’ (…and who until recently refused to attend the National Day of Prayer because he said it would be ‘offensive’ to non-Christians…translation: to muslims…now wants us to believe he’s a Christian. Guess what…’We the People’ are NOT that gullible NO matter how many times the media tries to force-feed us this line. And so Obama continues on in his quest to get us believe that he’s a Christian even after he outright damned his own ‘supposed’ faith at the recent National Prayer Breakfast by comparing the ISIS savages to the Crusades…the very Christian Crusades where Christian fighters stood strong against muslim interlopers both in Jerusalem and in Europe, And by his saying what he did, Obama’s outward rejection of Christianity as a whole has come full circle. A rejection we’ve seen unfolding over recent years with his lack of actions, for example, against his brethren who beheaded 21 Coptic Christians, his mere gesture of dropping so-called ‘aid packages’ to the Yazidi Christians trapped by ISIS on a mountain top in Iraq, and with his refusing to get involved with helping to free American Christian Pastor Saeed Abedini, still imprisoned in Iran…with ‘Christian’ being the operative word in each and every case. And knowing that Obama’s actions (actions we sadly are all too aware of) along with his words said help define who this man really is…a muslim…leaving one to ask does Barack HUSSEIN Obama in any way believe in any of the tenets of Christianity…and the answer in a resounding word is NO For example, and remember his words say it all…at a meeting of evangelical leaders in 2008, Obama was asked whether he believed Jesus was the only way to salvation.
Read more about I Will Say What Many Fear Saying…Barack HUSSEIN Obama is NO Christian
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