My Lifelong Struggle With Freemasons by Roger Barbour (for January 31, 2015 My Lifelong Struggle With Freemasons (Jan. 31, 2015) [Ken Adachi Note: I've organized a series of seven articles posted at into a single document for easier access. Here are the links to the original aricles: 1. A Youth Learns About Freemasonry 2- My First Experience of Freemasons 3.
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Saturday, January 31, 2015
...Latest Breakthrough In Technology... Healing Frequencies That Boost Your Spirit, Mind And Body
...Breakthrough In Technology... Healing Frequencies That Boost Your Spirit, Mind And Body Sound has been used as a healing force for thousands of years. All ancient civilizations used sound for healing. Traditional cultures still surviving today understand the remarkable healing power that lies in sound.
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Why Do Many Jews HATE Jesus Christ?
WHY THE JEWS HATE JESUS CHRIST By Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright 2007-2011 Articles May Be Reproduced Only With Authorship of Br Nathanael Kapner & Link To Real Jew News (SM) E-mail: THE ENTIRE WORLD UNDERSTANDS that Jesus Christ is the Jewish Messiah. Every year at Christmas time we see advertisements to come and hear “Handel’s Messiah.” We all have that wonderful chorus ringing in our ears during the Yuletide season, “For Unto Us A Child Is Born.” Yet the Jews in their pig-headedness will tell you, “Jesus Christ was an imposter.” The best amongst the Jews will tell you, “Jesus Christ was a great teacher but not the Messiah.” Or the worst amongst the Jews will tell you, “Jesus Christ was a magician.” But when push comes to shove the Jews will finally say, “I was born a Jew and I will die a Jew.” (What they mean is, “I will never become a Goy.”) I was raised as a Jew. Both my parents were Jews. I started attending Hebrew school as a toddler.
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Britain’s Atlantis Found (VIDEO)
Have you heard of Doggerland? If you think it sounds British, you’re right. If you think it’s a place where people have sex in furry outfits, get your mind out of the gutter and into the North Sea. The name was coined for Dogger Bank, but it applies to any of several periods when the North Sea was land,' says Richard Bates of the University of St Andrews.
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Hillsong Illuminati False Prophets EXPOSED
After much examination Acdye Easdic have come to the conclusion that Hillsong may end up being used by the enemy in the great falling away that is to occur before the rise of the anti-christ! In this video Acdye Easdic comments on an excellent expose by Brother in Christ Jared as he test the spirit behind hillsong. From Illuminati symbols, to "Illuminati meetings" meeting with Jay-Z we must begin to examine the spirit !!! Please spread this video to help others wake Up!
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Christian Woman Grabs Mic From Podium At A Muslim Event "Islam Will Never Dominate Here In The US And By The Grace of God, It Will Never Dominate In Texas!” (Video) Way To GO, Girl!
Woman Grabs Mic From Muslim Event "Islam Will Never Dominate Here In The US Nor in Texas!" 31 Jan 15 Yeah, gurl! Way to go!! She's got some FIRE in her belly, and the rest of us need to catch up with her! The Sharia Law passed in Texas is what she is referring to, but it applies to every.
Read more about Christian Woman Grabs Mic From Podium At A Muslim Event "Islam Will Never Dominate Here In The US And By The Grace of God, It Will Never Dominate In Texas!” (Video) Way To GO, Girl!
Recently, I have been seeing allegations of fear monger, doom and gloom, etc., being thrown about as writers and broadcasters who dare to identify the threats facing the American people. Some people have gone so far as to engage in abject denial (e.g. cognitive dissonance) so they can continue to hide within their self-protected enclaves of mindless entertainment as a means to perpetuate self-deception. The reality is that the people who use the term “doom and gloom” to describe the writers who describe the events which are shaking our nation to its core, you are guilty of one of two things.
Recently, I have been seeing allegations of fear monger, doom and gloom, etc., being thrown about as writers and broadcasters who dare to identify the threats facing the American people. Some people have gone so far as to engage in abject denial (e.g. cognitive dissonance) so they can continue to hide within their self-protected enclaves of mindless entertainment as a means to perpetuate self-deception. The reality is that the people who use the term “doom and gloom” to describe the writers who describe the events which are shaking our nation to its core, you are guilty of one of two things.
What Happens When People Can’t Get The #1 Most Prescribed Drug In The World After SHTF
If the shite hits the fan in a big way – a major collapse – not only will most people be in an extreme world of hurt due to their dependencies upon the systems that are relied upon today, but a stunning number of them are on prescription drugs – which could conceivably become difficult or impossible to get. What will they do and what affects will that have on the rest of us trying to survive? Currently the single most prescribed drug in the world is HYDROCODONE (Vicodin). In case you’ve been living under a rock, it is used for ‘pain’ (and abused).
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Video - Grizzly Bear Battles 4 Wolves
Published on Jan 29, 2015 The Grizzly Bears and Wolves have coexisted for millennia. They usually prefer to avoid each other. However, when food is low, these apex predators must compete for survival in the harsh wilderness of North America. A carcass on the side of a river makes the perfect scavenged meal.
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Yellowstone Geologist Says Eruption In 2 Weeks Or Less WOW REALLY HERE WE GO AGAIN ! ! !Untitled
Published on Jan 30, 2015 Yellowstone Geologist says Eruption in 2 weeks or less? WOW REALLY HERE WE GO AGAIN
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The Undeniable Mark of The Beast: BBC Office Uses RFID Chips For The Employees To Buy Food, Open Doors And Use The Copiers! (Video)
The Undeniable Mark of The Beast: BBC Office Uses RFID Chips For The Employees To Buy Food, Open Doors And Use The Copiers! 31 Jan 15 Whatever you do, DO NOT pay for or gain access to ANYTHING by using any body part! Do NOT accept an implanted RFID chip or ANYTHING implanted! Want to gain entry to your office, get on a bus, or perhaps buy a sandwich?
Read more about The Undeniable Mark of The Beast: BBC Office Uses RFID Chips For The Employees To Buy Food, Open Doors And Use The Copiers! (Video)
Microwave Ovens Kill Food, and Eventually, YOU!
Throw Out Your Microwave! Microwaves leak radiation and destroy all nutritional benefits of food. When ingesting microwaved foods, our bodies do not recognize what they are. If you water your plants with microwaved water, they will die.
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Christian Woman Grabs Mic From Podium At A Muslim Event "Islam Will Never Dominate Here In The US And By The Grace of God, It Will Never Dominate In Texas!” (Video) Way To GO, Girl!
Woman Grabs Mic From Muslim Event "Islam Will Never Dominate Here In The US Nor in Texas!" 31 Jan 15 Yeah, gurl! Way to go!! She's got some FIRE in her belly, and the rest of us need to catch up with her! The Sharia Law passed in Texas is what she is referring to, but it applies to every.
Read more about Christian Woman Grabs Mic From Podium At A Muslim Event "Islam Will Never Dominate Here In The US And By The Grace of God, It Will Never Dominate In Texas!” (Video) Way To GO, Girl!
Super Bowl Alert: Race to Contain Measles Outbreak at the Super Bowl (Video) Just How Will The "Officials" Be "Looking" For The Disease?
Super Bowl Alert: Race to Contain Measles Outbreak at the Super Bowl 31 Jan 15 Concern for the big game as 1 million people flock to Arizona, where officials will be looking for signs of the disease. And, just how will they be "looking" for this disease may I ask? Hmmm. Strip searrch to tell them NOTHING?
Read more about Super Bowl Alert: Race to Contain Measles Outbreak at the Super Bowl (Video) Just How Will The "Officials" Be "Looking" For The Disease?
Super Bowl Alert: Race to Contain Measles Outbreak at the Super Bowl (Video) Just How Will The "Officials" Be "Looking" For The Disease?
Super Bowl Alert: Race to Contain Measles Outbreak at the Super Bowl 31 Jan 15 Concern for the big game as 1 million people flock to Arizona, where officials will be looking for signs of the disease. And, just how will they be "looking" for this disease may I ask? Hmmm. Strip searrch to tell them NOTHING?
Read more about Super Bowl Alert: Race to Contain Measles Outbreak at the Super Bowl (Video) Just How Will The "Officials" Be "Looking" For The Disease?
New Nibiru Information 2015 HD
The estimated 2016 flyby or passing of Planet X / Nibiru, a reported Brown Dwarf star twin to our sun, is that of the “Destroyer”, of a global coastal event accompanied by tidal waves destroying all coastal cities, massive solar storms triggering a pole shift, and a mega-die-off of the human race on the surface of the planet, while the monarchical, financial, political, and military-intelligence complex survives in deep underground military bases. Newly released data is suggesting flyby of Planet X / Nibiru will start in 2016. One estimate is that Planet X/Nibiru has orbited into our inner solar system more than 1.25 million times in the course of the 4.6 billion year history of our sun. Earth is in a binary solar system centered around our sun (Sol) and a Brown Dwarf star that orbits our sun in a 3600 year elliptical orbit that is at an angle to the ecliptic.
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She's Alive!! !! Nancy Lanza - Her Life Today - The Un-Dead Of Sandy Hook (Shocking Video)
(N.Morgan) In the horror story of Sandy Hook Nancy Lanza, Adam's mother, has been somewhat of a mystery and met a rather awful end, according to the official tale. It would appear that perhaps Nancy never died. The real "Undead" of this false flag.Another part of this farce known as the Sandy Hook Massacre. The absurd photographs from INSIDE the Lanza house would be enough to show normal people that her death was faked.
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Studies Prove Without Doubt That Unvaccinated Children Are Far Healthier
Natural By Christina England, VacTruth(orig. published Feb, 2014)A study from the 1990s has come to light, proving that compared to unvaccinated children, vaccinated children were more likely to suffer from asthma, eczema, ear infections, hyperactivity and many other chronic conditions. Furthermore, the study identified that there was a ten-fold increase in the incidence of tonsillitis in the children who were vaccinated, and a total lack tonsillectomy operations among the children who were unvaccinated.In 1992, the Immunization Awareness Society (IAS) conducted a survey to examine the health of New Zealand’s children. Unsurprisingly, the results of their study indicated that unvaccinated children were far healthier than vaccinated children.Questionnaires were given out to IAS members, their friends and their associates asking various health questions.
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BIG TROUBLE FOR U.S. GOLD MARKET: No Available Supply When Price Skyrockets
from SRSrocco Report: Americans are in big trouble and they don’t even know it. The financial system in which they are totally invested, is heading towards an epic collapse. Printing money and increasing debt (exponentially) are not sustainable business practices. These artificial techniques to prop up a Zombie Economy have a certain lifespan… one that will end much sooner than later. Unfortunately, the precious metal community had no idea how long the Fiat Monetary Authorities could prop up the Leech & Spend U.S.
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This Dead Girl’s DNA Was Hybridized into a Cow’s Egg. Key Intel on Human Cloning and GMO Life
The first video below shows the reality of spider goats. Yes, spider goats. A cross between a spider and a goat. Cornell Professor Doug Antczak delivers the Reunion lecture celebrating Full Article »
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The Undeniable Mark of The Beast: BBC Office Uses RFID Chips For The Employees To Buy Food, Open Doors And Use The Copiers! (Video)
The Undenieable Mark of The Beast: BBC Office Uses RFID Chips For The Employees To Buy Food, Open Doors And Use The Copiers! 31 Jan 15 Whatever you do, DO NOT pay for or gain access to ANYTHING by using any body part! Do NOT accept an implanted RFID chip or ANYTHING implanted! Are you truly, fully prepared & ready?
Read more about The Undeniable Mark of The Beast: BBC Office Uses RFID Chips For The Employees To Buy Food, Open Doors And Use The Copiers! (Video)
DEUTSCHE BANK: A disaster waiting to happen…and it’s no accident.
This is Deutsche Bank’s transparency track record in recent years: * The US Federal Reserve Bank of New York questioned the bank’s reporting procedures and “myriad oversights” in late 2013. * Britain’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) placed Deutsche Bank’s London office under “enhanced supervision” last August, and fined it £4.7m for “reporting failures”. * Yesterday, the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority said it had begun an inquiry into whether Deutsche Bank violated German securities regulations in disclosing its earnings for the fourth quarter of 2014 last Thursday. I’m far from being the only observer with huge doubts about exactly what might explode (covering us all in sh*t) when Deutsche finally hits force majeur, and has no choice but to tell us the truth. Although regulators colluding with banks to hide their guilt is common, three separate regulatory authorities ganging up against one bank is just not credible. But that’s never held Deutsche back before, and it doesn’t now – here was their comment today re the latest condemnation: “We have been working diligently to further strengthen our systems and controls and are committed to being best in class. We have invested €3.6bn since 2012 as part of this effort.” Dominika Kula, a spokeswoman for the German regulatior, said ““It’s a very standard procedure.
Read more about DEUTSCHE BANK: A disaster waiting to happen…and it’s no accident.
Do It Yourself Prepper Security
Photo Credit: “It” happened a while ago now. After the initial panic, the riots, looting, and pandemonium ensued. You stood guard nightly. You had carefully chosen your little slice of Earth, far from any major city.
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Before It's News Featured News
via Before It's News | Popular ALTERNATIVE NEWS
YELLOWSTONE SUPERVOLCANO ON VERGE OF ERUPTION; USGS SUPPRESSING INFORMATION WYOMING (INTELLIHUB) — As of January 29, 2015, Hank Hessler, a park geologist stationed at Yellowstone National Park since 2002, publicly announced and put only a 2 week time-frame for the … Continue reading →
The post ’1000 mile swath of the U.S. may be destroyed within 2 weeks from an extinction level event’, says park geologist appeared first on .
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25 Creepiest Places On Earth (Video)
(N.Morgan) In the video presentation below, Kayleigh Hudson, Youtuber, takes us on a tour of 25 of the most creepy places on Earth. From mental institutions, to abandoned prisons, these places will give you the creeps! Creepiness can be hard to define. It could be that uneasy feeling you get when you see something oddly familiar, yet not, or when you suddenly feel sick, because of the eeriness of the place you are in.
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Kristiana Coignard: Teen Girl Walks Into Police Station, Cops Shoot Her Dead — What Happened?
Posted in: News Posted: January 25, 2015 Kristiana Coignard: Teen Girl Walks Into Police Station, Cops Shoot Her Dead — What Happened? image:
Kristiana Coignard, a 17-year-old girl who until recently had been a high school student in Longview, Texas, walked into the Longview Police Station at about 6:30 p.m. on Thursday evening. She picked up the courtesy phone for after-hours visitors and asked to speak to an officer.
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Hillsong Illuminati False Prophets EXPOSED
After much examination Acdye Easdic have come to the conclusion that Hillsong may end up being used by the enemy in the great falling away that is to occur before the rise of the anti-christ! In this video Acdye Easdic comments on an excellent expose by Brother in Christ Jared as he test the spirit behind hillsong. From Illuminati symbols, to "Illuminati meetings" meeting with Jay-Z we must begin to examine the spirit !!! Please spread this video to help others wake Up!
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Intense explosions at Sakurajima, Japan
Intense explosions accompanied by volcanic ash which is falling on nearby communities are continually observed at Japanese Sakurajima volcano.The Tokyo VAAC reported an explosion at 03:38 UTC today sent volcanic ash up to 2.7 km. Explosion at 09:41 UTC sent ash up 3 km.... Read more »
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10 Shadowy Biblical Characters No One Can Explain
Page1 2 The canonical Bible consists of many enigmatic characters that leave many people in a flutter. Many of them just pop in the scene, play a small part, indulge in activities, and then fade away. It leaves everyone in a confusion as to what really happened. They are not only cryptic but also unexplainable.
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It’s been a long journey and 1000’s of hours watching videos from all sides of views; spiritual, scientific, and off this world. But, I BELIEVE that the bottom of the Rabbit hole has been revealed. Everybody that understands this outcome is coming to the conclusion that no matter what we do or say or prepare…it’s COMING! All the world governments, TPTB, Major Corporations, VATICAN and top of the pyramid assholes know what is coming.
Tom Horn Interviews Dr. Michael Lake On The Shinar Directive The Son of Perdition Untangle Yourself From The Strategies Of The Enemy Before It's Too Late! (Video)
Tom Horn Interviews Dr. Michael Lake On The Shinar Directive The Son of Perdition Untangle Yourself From The Strategies Of The Enemy Before It's Too Late! 28 Jan 15 In the ancient plains of Shinar, an evil was born: the first world king, the prototype transhuman, the ultimate despot, the Son of Perdition—Nimrod. In Babylon, the Son of Perdition devised the Shinar Directive: the enslaving of humanity and the war against the God of Heaven.
Read more about Tom Horn Interviews Dr. Michael Lake On The Shinar Directive The Son of Perdition Untangle Yourself From The Strategies Of The Enemy Before It's Too Late! (Video)
Top 10 Interesting Facts of Mahabharat
Page1 2 One of the epic battles known in the history is the battle of Kurukshetra. Fought between the Pandavas and the Kauravas, it was undoubtedly one of the bloodiest wars ever fought for the throne of Hastinapur. Millions of lives were lost in those fierce 17 days. One of the most ferocious, enigmatic and vindictive battles fought; here are some interesting facts about the Kurukshetra war.
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RussiaToday: Seattle cop pepper-sprays school teacher, city sued for for $500k
[video] Be prepared for the next great transfer of wealth. Buy physical silver and storable food. A Seattle, Washington high school history teacher who was pepper-sprayed by police moments after speaking at a Martin Luther King Jr. Day rally is suing the city for $500,000. READ MORE: RT LIVE Subscribe to RT!
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Why Oil Can’t Stay Cheap
by Byron King, Daily Reckoning It's hard not to notice it at the gas station. Oil prices have plummeted. They're sitting at levels we haven't seen in years. Read more »
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Serena Williams is a FRAUD and DECEIVER of the Nations (Shocking Video Investigation)
Serena Williams is a FRAUD and DECEIVER of the Nations You can view this video with the transcript, at the following link: This above video is about to change the course of Sports History. In this above video, you will see IRREFUTABLE AND DOCUMENTED PROOF, that Serena has the skull of a man, the neck of a man, the biceps of Conan the Barbarian, the shoulders of a man, and the overall body proportions of a man. Before he reached puberty, Serena had his male genetalia surgically mutilated, and is presently on hormone replacement therapy. For years, the International Olympic Committee has known that Serena’s male genetic advantage, is no match for female competitors - and yet they gave him the Gold Medal on 4 separate occasions, in a woman’s sporting event!
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Bubbles Half The Size Of The Milky Way
Compared to other galaxies, the Milky Way is a peaceful place. But it hasn't always been so sleepy. In 2010, a team of scientists working at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics discovered a pair of "Fermi bubbles" extending tens of thousands of light-years above and below the Milky Way's disk. From end to end, the newly discovered gamma-ray bubbles (magenta) extend 50,000 light-years, or roughly half of the Milky Way's diameter.
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“Horrific” pre-historic shark makes a rare appearance in Australia
John Hopton for - Your Universe Online A fishing crew in Australia had a surprise guest in their catch recently, after snaring a rarely seen shark with 300 teeth and a terrifying, pre-historic appearance that was enough to make even Australian fisherman go all sissy. The 6-foot long frilled shark more closely resembles a crazed eel, but has the tail of a shark. Referred to as a ‘living fossil,’ Its ancestry goes back at least 80 million years. With 300 teeth in dozens of rows its diet consists of creatures more half its size, including squid and octopus. Although the shark is known to science, they are very hard to find, even if we wanted to.
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Photos of Plastinated Bodies Removed From Internet By Chinese Government (WARNING Graphic Images!!)
Mounting evidence tells a terrible tale of murder and mutilation in China. Reports from witnesses and Chinese physicians reveal that thousands of Falun Gong practitioners have been killed for their organs, which are sold and transplanted at enormous profit in the transplant trade. The perpetrators are officials of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), acting in collaboration with surgeons, prison authorities, and military officials. The trail of evil and corruption doesn’t end there.
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Gold And Silver - Probability For Lower Low Has Increased
Saturday 31 January 2015 Mention is often made that one should wait for confirmation of a particular move in futures before making a commitment, either way. Last week, it appeared evidence was mounting that November could be a possible low for the correction since late 2011. Then, we run across this graph from which shows an inordinate build-up of short positions in silver by what we would call "smart money," "insiders." These large traders do not make such overtly strong commitments to the short side without expectations that things will go their way. If anything can be said about the market manipulators, mostly the elite's central bankers/Wall Street/Fed, it does not really matter as to accurate identity, for they hide their source[s] very well.
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