Discussions concerning all matters of humanity's ascension into a higher dimensional existence culminating in 2012 Click to zoom http://ift.tt/1qXjma3
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Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Alien Grey Caught On Deer Trail Cam, Photo And Video!
Watch Carefully In The Video And Tell Me If This Is A Real Alien Grey Caught On The Deer Trail Cam Or Is It Not. I really believe in Aliens And UFO's and I think this may be a real alien grey that was caught on the Deer Trail Cam. But I'm sure a lot of people are going to say hoax or its a man in a suit. I don't think so.
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Breaking: Obama College Records Released-financial Aid As A Foreigner!
WASHINGTON D.C. In a move certain to fuel the debate over Obama’s qualifications for the presidency, the group “Americans for Freedom of Information” has Released copies of President Obama’s college transcripts from Occidental College … Released today, the transcript school indicates that Obama, under the name Barry Soetoro, received financial aid as a foreign student from Indonesia as an undergraduate. The transcript was released by Occidental College in compliance with a court order in a suit brought by the group in the Superior Court of California. The transcript shows that Obama (Soetoro) applied for financial aid and was awarded a fellowship for foreign students from the Fulbright Foundation Scholarship program.
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Dead Alien In Siberian Snow , Russia Exposed, Alien Was A Real Dead Alien, Photos , Video!
Russia Lied Saying Alien Was A Hoax, Alien Was A Real Alien Being Watch The Below Video For Some Great Information I Think Russia Is Covering Up The Facts Of The Dead Alien Body In The Snow I really believe that this story is one of the stories we should all be talking about. Russia put out the word claiming that the alien found dead in the snow was a hoax made of bread crumbs and chicken skin by two High School students. Well I'm going to tell you exactly what I think. I think Russia and quite possibly the USA covered up the fact that a real dead alien being was found in the snow in Siberia.
Read more about Dead Alien In Siberian Snow , Russia Exposed, Alien Was A Real Dead Alien, Photos , Video!
A Theory on How Birthmarks Could Correspond to Wounds From Past Lives (Videos)
The power of the mind to leave physical marks on the body Could birthmarks be left by mental impressions from past lives? (Shutterstock*) The universe is full of mysteries that challenge our current knowledge. In "Beyond Science" Epoch Times collects stories about these strange phenomena to stimulate the imagination and open up previously undreamed of possibilities. Are they true?
Read more about A Theory on How Birthmarks Could Correspond to Wounds From Past Lives (Videos)
Hyperinflation Alert! Has the Fed pulled the trigger?
There is a reason we haven't seen massive inflation in the U.S., yet. Sure, there has been some inflation over the past few years -- more than we've been told in official reports. But it hasn't been as catastrophic as many would have expected. Consider the reasons we might expect catastrophic -- possibly even hyper -- inflation: 1.
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FinanceAndLiberty: Predictions For The New Year 2015 | Fabian Calvo
[video] Prepare for the next great transfer of wealth. Buy physical silver and storable food. This video was posted with permission from Fabian Calvo: http://ift.tt/1gPO3UG http://FabianCalvo.me http://TheNoteHouse.us ————————————————————————————— SUBSCRIBE (It’s FREE!) to “Finance and Liberty” for more ►http://bit.ly/Subscription-Link FINANCE AND LIBERTY: Website ►http://ift.tt/16HjjVB Like us on Facebook ►http://ift.tt/1gNQcC0 Follow us on Twitter ►http://ift.tt/1ebABHo Google Plus ►http://ift.tt/1ebADyS
Read more about FinanceAndLiberty: Predictions For The New Year 2015 | Fabian Calvo
Is this just LOVE? ..or is it MADNESS?
http://ift.tt/KOLsQy http://ift.tt/1mgtqIy ...You will only find out if your hearts in the right place... and you follow through to the end.
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Ukrainian Soldier Explains Why He Enjoys Killing Russians
Eric Zuesse In an unusually lengthy video interview with a soldier for the Ukrainian Government, he states why he wants to kill as many residents in the (ethnically Russian) separatist area as possible. This soldier, named Nazar, was interviewed by Ukraine’s Channel 5 TV, the current Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko’s television station until he became President on May 25th. Poroshenko, as Ukraine’s President, no longer owns the station. This interview was not aired, because the Ukrainian Government decided that it wasn’t appropriate for their purposes.
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The Bush Sr. Time Manipulation and Ritual Sacrifice – Update
[Ed. Note: If you aren’t too blurry eyed from New Year’s Eve activities, we’d still like to recommend applying tin foil goggles before pressing play. With that said, Bush Sr. absolutely is one of the world’s worst NWO boogeymen.
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The Bush Sr. Time Manipulation and Ritual Sacrifice – Update
[Ed. Note: If you aren’t too blurry eyed from New Year’s Eve activities, we’d still like to recommend applying tin foil goggles before pressing play. With that said, Bush Sr. absolutely is one of the world’s worst NWO boogeymen.
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Ukrainian Soldier Explains Why He Enjoys Killing Russians
Eric Zuesse In an unusually lengthy video interview with a soldier for the Ukrainian Government, he states why he wants to kill as many residents in the (ethnically Russian) separatist area as possible. This soldier, named Nazar, was interviewed by Ukraine’s Channel 5 TV, the current Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko’s television station until he became President on May 25th. Poroshenko, as Ukraine’s President, no longer owns the station. This interview was not aired, because the Ukrainian Government decided that it wasn’t appropriate for their purposes.
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Five tips for Dutch oven cooking
Dutch oven enthusiasts are always swapping tips or advice to improve their cooking. Here are five easy hints that don’t cost much but could a . by Leon Pantenburg I routinely include a dutch oven in my outdoor activities. Here are a few easy tips for making outdoor cooking easier. Carry your oven in a plastic crate: Milk cartons used to be delivered in these boxes, and they work really well for packing a 12-inch or smaller oven.
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The Trick To Save The American Dollar From Crashing! From Erasmus Of America - Dec. 31, 2014
THE TRICK TO SAVE THE AMERICAN DOLLAR FROM CRASHING! FROM ERASMUS OF AMERICA - DEC. 31, 2014 In military school I read the book by the 1937 French intellectual telling why Hitler was no threat to Europe as analyzed by American and European economists. He could not start a war before 1945 to 1951 at the earliest because he could not build up the German economy enough before then to try and start a war in Europe.
Read more about The Trick To Save The American Dollar From Crashing! From Erasmus Of America - Dec. 31, 2014
X22Report Current Economic Collapse News Brief Enslaving The People With Bubbles (Video)
By Josey Wales The Central bankers want more than your money, look at what they are doing. Add that to the bubbles that have been inflated by keeping this fake economic recovery alive and you have the perfect storm coming in 2015 As you will see in this X22Report news brief they will discuss the latest news on the economic collapse and w. The central banks will not stop at just confiscating your wealth they will want your life. They want to enslave the people.
Read more about X22Report Current Economic Collapse News Brief Enslaving The People With Bubbles (Video)
Wild Cheers for Proposed Invasion of Israel - NATO Ally Encouraged to 'Liberate' Jerusalem
President Obama and Turkish President Erdogan Leo Hohmann / WND Turkish and Palestinian flags fluttered like angry birds in a crowd of thousands of people chanting “Allahu Akbar!” and “Down with Israel!” The chants grew more exuberant as the hulking, bearded man on the speaker’s platform assured them that “God willing, we will liberate Jerusalem together.” The speaker was Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal and his audience was Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party, gathered for its annual meeting Dec. 27 at a convention hall in Konya, the hometown of Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu. The Turkish prime minister introduced the Hamas leader and then took a seat in the front row, cheering and clapping for the radical Islamist statements being made by Meshaal. “As Turkey for centuries was the main defender of Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque, likewise with you are the center of the Muslim Umma (Muslim nation) which will carry on the mission of liberating Jerusalem and al-Aqsa Mosque,” Meshaal told the crowd in an address that received almost no major media coverage.
Read more about Wild Cheers for Proposed Invasion of Israel - NATO Ally Encouraged to 'Liberate' Jerusalem
The Trick To Save The American Dollar From Crashing! From Erasmus Of America - Dec. 31, 2014
THE TRICK TO SAVE THE AMERICAN DOLLAR FROM CRASHING! FROM ERASMUS OF AMERICA - DEC. 31, 2014 In military school I read the book by the 1937 French intellectual telling why Hitler was no threat to Europe as analyzed by American and European economists. He could not start a war before 1945 to 1951 at the earliest because he could not build up the German economy enough before then to try and start a war in Europe.
Read more about The Trick To Save The American Dollar From Crashing! From Erasmus Of America - Dec. 31, 2014
X22Report Current Economic Collapse News Brief Enslaving The People With Bubbles (Video)
By Josey Wales The Central bankers want more than your money, look at what they are doing. Add that to the bubbles that have been inflated by keeping this fake economic recovery alive and you have the perfect storm coming in 2015 As you will see in this X22Report news brief they will discuss the latest news on the economic collapse and w. The central banks will not stop at just confiscating your wealth they will want your life. They want to enslave the people.
Read more about X22Report Current Economic Collapse News Brief Enslaving The People With Bubbles (Video)
The Greatest Cover Up, The Moon and The Pyramids: NASA Apollo Anomalies
LINKS TO A FEW OF THE NASA IMAGES USED HERE: The first image I use - what everyone calls the "green statue" can be seen here. http://ift.tt/1t0CoWN Note how you can plainly see the object partially hidden in the shadow in the ORIGINAL NASA frame. Here is the link to the "Geophone Rock/pyramid" image. Note the brutal noise issues this frame suffers from, though the shape of the pyramid is still barely discernible through the haze in the original frame BEFORE enhancement.
Read more about The Greatest Cover Up, The Moon and The Pyramids: NASA Apollo Anomalies
Wild Cheers for Proposed Invasion of Israel - NATO Ally Encouraged to 'Liberate' Jerusalem
President Obama and Turkish President Erdogan Leo Hohmann / WND Turkish and Palestinian flags fluttered like angry birds in a crowd of thousands of people chanting “Allahu Akbar!” and “Down with Israel!” The chants grew more exuberant as the hulking, bearded man on the speaker’s platform assured them that “God willing, we will liberate Jerusalem together.” The speaker was Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal and his audience was Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party, gathered for its annual meeting Dec. 27 at a convention hall in Konya, the hometown of Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu. The Turkish prime minister introduced the Hamas leader and then took a seat in the front row, cheering and clapping for the radical Islamist statements being made by Meshaal. “As Turkey for centuries was the main defender of Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque, likewise with you are the center of the Muslim Umma (Muslim nation) which will carry on the mission of liberating Jerusalem and al-Aqsa Mosque,” Meshaal told the crowd in an address that received almost no major media coverage.
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X22Report Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 555
▶ Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 555 - YouTube Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit http://ift.tt/Kcg12n news visit http://ift.tt/1g22IgZ date: 12.31.2014In this news brief we will discuss the latest news on the economic collapse. We look to see if things are really that different. The central bank will not stop at just confiscating your wealth they will want your life. They want to enslave the people.All source links to the report can be found on the x22report.com site.
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Planet X Nibiru - Historic 41 Volcanoes Now Erupting!! 12/31/2014 (Video)
The dark star and its planets are closer than you think. Weird weather, sharp increase in volcanic activity and a sharp rise in large earthquakes should give us a clue. There is a great unrest of the population on this planet and banking systems are failing at alarming rates. Money people in the major banking systems are committing suicide at alarming rates.
Read more about Planet X Nibiru - Historic 41 Volcanoes Now Erupting!! 12/31/2014 (Video)
Transcending The Soul Hackers
Daniel Spaulding 21st Century WireWith the closing of another year marked by media hysteria, the narrative that the crazed hermit North Korean regime orchestrated the hacking of the Japanese-owned Hollywood company Sony, thereby assaulting our precious freedom to crank out cultural subversion, has quickly begun to fall apart. From the beginning the story never held neither consistency nor any forensic evidence. Yet the notion that ruthless Korean dictator Kim Jong Un wants to keep them from the movies, the modern substitute for the West’s emptying churches, has sent cable news consumers into a panic.Elusive North Korean hackers have joined ISIS, Ebola, and a resurgent Russia on the ever- lengthening list of threats that government and media tell us we must fear. As it stands now, with the script quickly breaking down, the media and government (really two tentacles of the same power structure) are bound to quickly divert attention elsewhere; a new national security villain will be constructed and dangled in front of the attention-deficit public.DEAR LEADER: “The trap is set, comrades!”Meanwhile in France, several young radical Muslims have been attacking their host society, attempting to murder French police officers and Christmas shoppers.
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Utah To Seize Own Land From 'federal Government'
http://ift.tt/1Bn7vBX to seize own land from ‘government,’ challenge federal dominance of Western states‘Transfer of Public Lands Act’ demands Washington relinquish 31.2 million acres by Dec. 31By Valerie Richardson - The Washington Times - Wednesday, December 3, 2014 In three weeks, Utah intends to seize control of 31.2 million acres of its own land now under the control of the federal government. At least, that's the plan. In an unprecedented challenge to federal dominance of Western state lands, Utah Gov.
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Planet X Nibiru - Historic 41 Volcanoes Now Erupting!! 12/31/2014 (Video)
The dark star and its planets are closer than you think. Weird weather, sharp increase in volcanic activity and a sharp rise in large earthquakes should give us a clue. There is a great unrest of the population on this planet and banking systems are failing at alarming rates. Money people in the major banking systems are committing suicide at alarming rates.
Read more about Planet X Nibiru - Historic 41 Volcanoes Now Erupting!! 12/31/2014 (Video)
2015 Predictions
Prepare for the coming social and economic unrest. Buy physical silver and storable food. Hello, this is Scott and this is the Hyper Report. Here are some hopeful predictions for the coming year…. 1.
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BOMBSHELL: Saudi Prince Defects, Gives Explosive Interview; Washington BACKS DICTATORSHIP, Brutality, in Saudi Arabia
Defected Saudi prince who left the royal family of Al Saud for their widespread corruption [and dictatorial brutality] has voiced support to the imprisoned daughters of Saudi King Abdullah who are under house arrest in the city of Jeddah. In a post on his Facebook page, Prince Khalid Bin Farhan al-Saud praised Princess Sahar and her three sisters for their support for the uprising by “the oppressed people of the city of Qatif” in Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. What Kind of Regime does every Democratic and Republican President support for Petro-Dollar Deal? Imagine if it was China or Cuba (which it isn't) Or Russia (which it isn't) that "sentenced" people to LASHES like this: "Website editor Raif Badawi was convicted [by Saudi Arabian "Justice" system] of “insulting Islam and authorities” via social media (his website and media interviews) He was sentenced to 7 years in prison and six-hundred (600) lashes.
Read more about BOMBSHELL: Saudi Prince Defects, Gives Explosive Interview; Washington BACKS DICTATORSHIP, Brutality, in Saudi Arabia
BREAKING: “Doors Stormed” Ferguson Protesters have Occupied the STL Police Department
By The Free Thought Project on December 31, 2014 784Share 218 8 56Reddit 1.6KTweet “We are informing you that the police department is scheduled to be reclaimed by its citizens today” Ferguson, MO — Protesters have occupied the police station in St Louis demanding that the “occupiers of the St. Louis Police Metropolitan Police Department….be removed from power. According to the post on the facebook page for We Copwatch, the occupation began this morning. Ferguson comrades have occupied the STL Police Dept as of right now!!
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Obama In Court On Amnesty Jan 9. (Video) 24 States Continue Battle Against Obama Amnesty Executive Action
Courtdate is Jan 9th for Obama in court. The Alamo in Texas was fought against Mexico and now Texas is again hosting the fight against immigration and Antichrist Obama's fraud with Obama due to appear in court on Jan 9th. see below. Glenn Beck pro Amnesty politicians should spend some time on the border in Arizona, Texas 20130130H1 The date for the hearing for the 24 states' courtcase is Jan.
Read more about Obama In Court On Amnesty Jan 9. (Video) 24 States Continue Battle Against Obama Amnesty Executive Action
2015 Predictions
Prepare for the coming social and economic unrest. Buy physical silver and storable food. Hello, this is Scott and this is the Hyper Report. Here are some hopeful predictions for the coming year…. 1.
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BREAKING: “Doors Stormed” Ferguson Protesters have Occupied the STL Police Department
By The Free Thought Project on December 31, 2014 784Share 218 8 56Reddit 1.6KTweet “We are informing you that the police department is scheduled to be reclaimed by its citizens today” Ferguson, MO — Protesters have occupied the police station in St Louis demanding that the “occupiers of the St. Louis Police Metropolitan Police Department….be removed from power. According to the post on the facebook page for We Copwatch, the occupation began this morning. Ferguson comrades have occupied the STL Police Dept as of right now!!
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24 States Continue Their Battle Against Obama’s Immigration Amnesty Executive Action (Video)
Courtdate is Jan 9th for Obama in court. The Alamo in Texas was fought against Mexico and now Texas is again hosting the fight against immigration and Antichrist Obama's fraud with Obama due to appear in court on Jan 9th. see below. Glenn Beck pro Amnesty politicians should spend some time on the border in Arizona, Texas 20130130H1 The date for the hearing for the 24 states' courtcase is Jan.
Read more about 24 States Continue Their Battle Against Obama’s Immigration Amnesty Executive Action (Video)
Transcending The Soul Hackers
Daniel Spaulding 21st Century WireWith the closing of another year marked by media hysteria, the narrative that the crazed hermit North Korean regime orchestrated the hacking of the Japanese-owned Hollywood company Sony, thereby assaulting our precious freedom to crank out cultural subversion, has quickly begun to fall apart. From the beginning the story never held neither consistency nor any forensic evidence. Yet the notion that ruthless Korean dictator Kim Jong Un wants to keep them from the movies, the modern substitute for the West’s emptying churches, has sent cable news consumers into a panic.Elusive North Korean hackers have joined ISIS, Ebola, and a resurgent Russia on the ever- lengthening list of threats that government and media tell us we must fear. As it stands now, with the script quickly breaking down, the media and government (really two tentacles of the same power structure) are bound to quickly divert attention elsewhere; a new national security villain will be constructed and dangled in front of the attention-deficit public.DEAR LEADER: “The trap is set, comrades!”Meanwhile in France, several young radical Muslims have been attacking their host society, attempting to murder French police officers and Christmas shoppers.
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Hold Up, White Bread – 6 Things You Don’t Do In Front of Black People
Despite the fact we have elected, and re-elected, Barack Obama, the first black president, there is still division between black people and white people. Let’s be honest. You know it’s there. So when you’re going about your day, be aware when black folks are around and adjust your behavior accordingly. Here are six things you should avoid when in the presence of black Americans. 1. Singing/Dancing White people do not have the connection to music the way black people do. It’s a fact.
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Into the Woods - "Into the Tar" - Movie Reviews from Heaven (Video)
Did you ever wonder, “What would Jesus say…” if He gave a review of the movie Into the Woods? Wonder no longer. The Two Witnesses are now walking the face of the Earth, and they are now sharing Movie Reviews from Heaven. They shared this following review with us.
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All Oath-Breaking PIGS Will Be Vaporized Within Hours When The SHTF
All Oath-Breaking PIGS Will Be Vaporized Within Hours When The SHTF
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Utah To Seize Own Land From 'federal Government'
http://ift.tt/1Bn7vBX to seize own land from ‘government,’ challenge federal dominance of Western states‘Transfer of Public Lands Act’ demands Washington relinquish 31.2 million acres by Dec. 31By Valerie Richardson - The Washington Times - Wednesday, December 3, 2014 In three weeks, Utah intends to seize control of 31.2 million acres of its own land now under the control of the federal government. At least, that's the plan. In an unprecedented challenge to federal dominance of Western state lands, Utah Gov.
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2014 Year in Review: 7 Examples of Police State Technology Making Our Rights Obsolete
Things are not looking pretty for the land of the free. The year 2014 has made it very clear that privacy is under threat, and the situation is not likely to improve. Mass surveillance – which became a national issue via the Edward Snowden leaks – is not subsiding or under reform; instead, is becoming more bold and complex with each passing day. It would take several books to catalog the myriad ways in which the rights of The People have been casually infringed by various levels of government just in years since 9/11 and the introduction of the PATRIOT Act. And it’s not only are federal agencies like the NSA, Homeland Security and the FBI that are taking liberties with our… umm… liberties; it is local police, too. The rise of technology is rapidly fueling these agencies with data and “intelligence” with very little oversight and even less pause for reflection to use these powerful abilities wisely and yes, judiciously. Here are just a few major areas where privacy is losing badly to surveillance technology in 2014. Not that anyone is paying attention, but they are worth reflecting upon soon – hopefully before it is too late to turn thing back around: • 1.
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Planet X Nibiru Why Isnt NASA Investigating the Severe Weather
"Insiders from NASA, DoD national military intelligence, SETI, and the CIA speculate 2/3 of the population of the planet could perish during the coming pole-shift caused by the passage of Planet X. Another 2/3 of those that survive initially could pass away to starvation and exposure to the elements within 6 months. Most every secretive government agency in the USA is fully aware of what is expected and are readying themselves. The Vatican is fully abreast of what is expected.
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Doomsday Hoarders: 6 OCD Hacks to Organize Your Stockpile Chaos
Natural Blaze.com by Daisy LutherIs your house like an unfortunate cross between Doomsday Preppers and Hoarders?How do you store your preps? Are they neatly organized, where you can grab what you need at a moment’s notice? Are they a jumbled mess that makes your house look like an abandoned storage facility? Perhaps they are hidden chaos, tucked away neatly in drawers and closets, but with no rhyme or reason.I always like to consider myself pretty organized.
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El Rodafonio – The Craziest Musical Contraption Ever Created
Original article on OddityCentral.com - a blog on oddities and wacky news http://www.odditycentral.com/ The street theatre scene in Barcelona was completely transformed in 2010, with the invention of the Rodafonio – perhaps the weirdest musical contraption in the world. Created by renowned designer and musician César Alvarez Bayer, it consists of a gigantic wheel that’s four meters high and only 15 cm wide, like a huge waffle iron. The wheel can accommodate a crew of five – the members of the Catalan music band ‘Factoria Circular’. Three musicians sit inside the wheel in their respective metal circles, playing their musical instruments – a guitar, a saxophone, and a set of drums – to various tunes, while occasionally spinning inside the giant wheel. The other two members are actors who pedal the wheel into motion, bringing the huge mechanical device to life. Read More
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Remember the SHILLS
This is an update to the Philip Wood report. Remember the shills Permalink If you ever get hijacked, kidnapped, or become the victim in a war or terror attack, REMEMBER THE SHILLS. Remember them if you ever manage to get a message out to the world about where you are, because they will promptly jump on it to shut you up. No matter what the story, no matter what the circumstance, if anyone tries to get your message to the public despite the shills, those trying to help you will become the object of ridicule and the target of thousands of paid shills, who will lie, hack and cheat their way into burying the fact that you are alive, and that you managed to speak.
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Specter of Debtors’ Prisons Looms Over Americans Who Just Can’t Pay
Mac SlavoActivist PostA special report highlights the growing disparity in America, and the issues many are having in keeping up with payments, which can even lead to incarceration for failure to pay – in spite of constitutional protections.Thanks in part to the growing trend of private collection agencies – including those who service fines and penalties assessed by government agencies – the inability or failure to pay debts is resulting in arrest warrants, mounting costs and, yes, jail time.And things are only going to get worse:The ACLU highlighted the growing issue of “Court-Sanctioned Extortion by Private Probation Companies.” On Debtors’ Prisons:Across the country, in the face of mounting budget deficits, states are more aggressively going after poor people who have already served their criminal sentences and jailing them for failing to pay their legal debts. These modern-day debtors’ prisons impose devastating human costs, waste taxpayer money and resources, undermine our criminal justice system, are racially skewed, and create a two-tiered system of justice.This case started with traffic violations and trouble with serious medical expenses:PBS reported:Cities across the country are increasingly turning to what are known as private probation companies to collect unpaid fines. But are indigent people ending up in jail because they can’t afford to pay? Since NewsHour Weekend’s first story on this issue aired last spring, the Childersburg Municipal Court issued a “standing order” stating that “In no case shall an indigent defendant be incarcerated … based solely on his or her inability to pay fines.” But the practice continues elsewhere in the country.
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Specter of Debtors’ Prisons Looms Over Americans Who Just Can’t Pay
Mac SlavoActivist PostA special report highlights the growing disparity in America, and the issues many are having in keeping up with payments, which can even lead to incarceration for failure to pay – in spite of constitutional protections.Thanks in part to the growing trend of private collection agencies – including those who service fines and penalties assessed by government agencies – the inability or failure to pay debts is resulting in arrest warrants, mounting costs and, yes, jail time.And things are only going to get worse:The ACLU highlighted the growing issue of “Court-Sanctioned Extortion by Private Probation Companies.” On Debtors’ Prisons:Across the country, in the face of mounting budget deficits, states are more aggressively going after poor people who have already served their criminal sentences and jailing them for failing to pay their legal debts. These modern-day debtors’ prisons impose devastating human costs, waste taxpayer money and resources, undermine our criminal justice system, are racially skewed, and create a two-tiered system of justice.This case started with traffic violations and trouble with serious medical expenses:PBS reported:Cities across the country are increasingly turning to what are known as private probation companies to collect unpaid fines. But are indigent people ending up in jail because they can’t afford to pay? Since NewsHour Weekend’s first story on this issue aired last spring, the Childersburg Municipal Court issued a “standing order” stating that “In no case shall an indigent defendant be incarcerated … based solely on his or her inability to pay fines.” But the practice continues elsewhere in the country.
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Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation via Sheldan Nidle: December 30, 2014
12 Cauac, 17 Mol, 11Ik Dratzo! We come on this date with more to discuss with you. The various coalitions created by the Light are in the process of finishing their operations to remove the dark cabal from power. These groups are slightly ahead of our jointly agreed upon schedules.
Read more about Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation via Sheldan Nidle: December 30, 2014
Moderate earthquake – Mindoro, Philippines on December 31, 2014
The best independent earthquake reporting website in the world Earthquake-report.com only survives with (mostly small) PRIVATE DONATIONS. Your gift will be highly appreciated. This page will automatically refresh every 10 minutes as we might be adding updates. Do not close it but leave it open in a browser tab. – 131 km SW of Manila, Philippines / pop: 10,444,527 / local time: 17:26:18.6 2014-12-31 89 km W of Calapan, Philippines / pop: 66,008 / local time: 17:26:18.6 2014-12-31 54 km W of Tingloy, Philippines / pop: 2,646 / local time: 17:26:18.6 2014-12-31 15 km N of Harrison, Philippines / pop: 2,349 / local time: 17:26:18.6 2014-12-31 Most important Earthquake Data: Magnitude : 4.9 Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2014-12-31 17:26:18 GMT/UTC Time : 2014-12-31 09:26:18 Depth (Hypocenter) : 10 km Depth and Magnitude updates in the list below. Share your earthquake experience (I Have Felt It) with our readers. Click on the “I Felt It” button behind the corresponding earthquake.
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If you listen to this Project Camelot interview Simon Parkes talks about CERN and how it was taken out because of the evil alien agenda. ★Off Planet Races Project Camelot Captain Mark Richards Space Command .THE DANCING SHIVA STATUE UNVEILED AT CERN The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN is the largest and most powerful particle accelerator ever built. It took international teams numbering in the thousands to design, construct and operate the 27km collider and its 4 giant particle detectors. The Large Hadron Collider is the world's largest and most powerful particle accelerator (Image: CERN) The accelerators come alive for LHC restart.
Kevin Annett's Responses to Alfred Webre's Accusations 12.24.14
*** fundraising status: Our readers came through and our goal has been met. Thank you all for your support. May you have a safe and very happy new year. Because I am new at this venture I have gone into, I won't know how long it will take to get to the point where I can replace what you all have donated over each month to help us meet our deficit, so probably it will be about 30 days before I see any money, and definitely not enough for the deficit but by the following month we should be independantly able to handle it.
Read more about Kevin Annett's Responses to Alfred Webre's Accusations 12.24.14
What Obama, Eric Holder and the Rest of Us Could Learn from the Magna Carta
TND Guest Contributor: Hans von Spakovsky | The Daily Signal | A 1216 impression of the Magna Carta at Durham Cathedral in England. (Photo: James Glossop/Newscom) With the president and Congress out of town, Washington, D.C. is very quiet during the holidays, without the long lines one normally sees at museums and capitol attractions. So it was a good time last week to take my family to see a wonderful exhibit at the Library of Congress, jointly sponsored by the Federalist Society, of one of the only four existing manuscript copies of the 1215 Magna Carta signed by King John at Runnymede. On June 15, we will celebrate the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta, one of the most consequential documents in the history of the law and liberty.
Read more about What Obama, Eric Holder and the Rest of Us Could Learn from the Magna Carta
WW III May Start within Six Months after $100-Trillion U.S. Collapse
Read more about WW III May Start within Six Months after $100-Trillion U.S. Collapse
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