Wednesday, October 1, 2014

A Prepper’s Story: The Financial Challenge of Self-Reliance

It seems like there’s a natural progression going on in the prepping community. People start out with the idea of being prepared for a disaster and once they’ve been at it for a while, they move on from there into thinking more about self-reliance all the time, rather than just in the case of an emergency. In doing this, they’re following in the footsteps of others. There have always been people on the fringes of our society who decided they weren’t going to fit in. Rather than become like everyone else and become part of corporate society, they decided that they wanted to live their life on their own, bring self-sufficient. Most people looked at these people as being a bit “out there.” However, at the most basic level, self-reliance or self-sufficiency is nothing more than returning to the ways of our great-grandparents.

A Prepper’s Story: The Financial Challenge of Self-RelianceRead more about A Prepper’s Story: The Financial Challenge of Self-Reliance

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