http://More Space News At: "Still, we cannot deny that the act of placing a tetrahedral object on Mars at latitude 19.5 contains all the necessary numbers & symbolism to qualify as a "message received" signal in response to the geometry of Cydonia. Moreover, such a game of mathematics & symbolism is precisely what we would expect if NASA were being influenced by the type of occult conspiracy that Hoagland, for one, is always trying to espouse." -- Graham Hancock, "The Mars Mystery -- The Secret Connection Between Earth and the Red Planet" When Mars Pathfinder bounced to a halt on its innovative airbags after it's unprecedented straight in, meteor-like decent to the Martian surface on July 4th, 1997, most of us were convinced - watching its initial panoramas -- that we were simply looking at another boring Martian desert filled with rocks -- just like the scenes relayed from the previous Viking Lander missions some twenty years earlier. Overshadowed by Enterprise principal investigator Richard C. Hoagland's highly advertised political prediction -- that the Pathfinder Lander would be diverted to Cydonia, instead of arriving at its announced touchdown point a thousand miles away -- many of us in the "anomalist community" were initially distracted from viewing those first Pathfinder images in any great detail.
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